GopenPGP V3 is a high-level OpenPGP library built on top of a fork of the golang crypto library.
Table of Contents
While GopenPGP V3 introduces a new API with significant enhancements, it is not backward compatible with GopenPGP V2. Although we recommend upgrading to V3 for the latest features and improvements, we continue to support GopenPGP V2. Our support includes ongoing bug fixes and minor feature updates to ensure stability and functionality for existing users.
GopenPGP V2 can be accessed/modified via the v2 branch of this repository.
To use GopenPGP with Go Modules just run
go get
in your project folder.
Then, your code can include it as follows:
package main
import (
func main() {
pgp := crypto.PGP()
A full overview of the API can be found here:
A file of runnable examples can be found in crypto_example_test.go.
import ""
password := []byte("hunter2")
pgp := crypto.PGP()
// Encrypt data with a password
encHandle, err := pgp.Encryption().Password(password).New()
pgpMessage, err := encHandle.Encrypt([]byte("my message"))
armored, err := pgpMessage.ArmorBytes()
// Decrypt data with a password
decHandle, err := pgp.Decryption().Password(password).New()
decrypted, err := decHandle.Decrypt(armored, crypto.Armor)
myMessage := decrypted.Bytes()
To encrypt with the latest OpenPGP standard (RFC 9580):
import ""
// Use the latest OpenPGP standard (RFC 9580).
pgp := crypto.PGPWithProfile(profile.RFC9580())
// The RFC9580 profile uses Argon2 for protecting encrypted keys and
// messages encrypted using a passphrase, and uses AEAD for encryption
// (AES-256, OCB mode).
// Encrypt/Decrypt data with a password
... // See code snippet above.
Use a custom or preset profile:
import ""
// RFC4880 profile
pgp4880 := crypto.PGPWithProfile(profile.RFC4880())
// RFC9580 profile
pgpCryptoRefresh := crypto.PGPWithProfile(profile.RFC9580())
// Put keys in backtick (``) to avoid errors caused by spaces or tabs
const pubkey = `-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
const privkey = `-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----
-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----` // Encrypted private key
const passphrase = []byte(`the passphrase of the private key`) // Passphrase of the privKey
publicKey, err := crypto.NewKeyFromArmored(pubkey)
privateKey, err := crypto.NewPrivateKeyFromArmored(privkey, passphrase)
pgp := crypto.PGP()
// Encrypt plaintext message using a public key
encHandle, err := pgp.Encryption().Recipient(publicKey).New()
pgpMessage, err := encHandle.Encrypt([]byte("my message"))
armored, err := pgpMessage.ArmorBytes()
// Decrypt armored encrypted message using the private key and obtain the plaintext
decHandle, err := pgp.Decryption().DecryptionKey(privateKey).New()
decrypted, err := decHandle.Decrypt(armored, crypto.Armor)
myMessage := decrypted.Bytes()
With signatures:
pgp := crypto.PGP()
aliceKeyPriv, err := pgp.KeyGeneration().
AddUserId("alice", "[email protected]").
aliceKeyPub, err := aliceKeyPriv.ToPublic()
bobKeyPriv, err := pgp.KeyGeneration().
AddUserId("bob", "[email protected]").
bobKeyPub, err := bobKeyPriv.ToPublic()
// Encrypt and sign plaintext message from alice to bob
encHandle, err := pgp.Encryption().
pgpMessage, err := encHandle.Encrypt([]byte("my message"))
armored, err := pgpMessage.ArmorBytes()
// Decrypt armored encrypted message using the private key and obtain plain text
decHandle, err := pgp.Decryption().
decrypted, err := decHandle.Decrypt(armored, crypto.Armor)
if sigErr := decrypted.SignatureError(); sigErr != nil {
// Signature verification failed with sigErr
myMessage := decrypted.Bytes()
Encrypt towards multiple recipients:
recipients, err := crypto.NewKeyRing(bobKeyPub)
err = recipients.AddKey(carolKeyPub)
// encrypt plain text message using a public key
encHandle, err := pgp.Encryption().
pgpMessage, err := encHandle.Encrypt([]byte("my message"))
armored, err := pgpMessage.ArmorBytes()
Encrypt towards an (anonymous) recipient:
// The key fingerprint of bob's key is visible in the key packet and
// is included in the signature's intended recipient list.
// The key fingerprint of carols's key is not visible in the key packet ("anonymous" key packet), and
// is not included in the signature's intended recipient list.
encHandle, _ := pgp.Encryption().
pgpMessage, _ := encHandle.Encrypt([]byte("my message"))
// Decrypt checks if bobs key fingerprint is in the intended recipient list
// of alice's signature in the message.
decHandleBob, _ := pgp.Decryption().
decryptedBob, _ := decHandleBob.Decrypt(pgpMessage.Bytes(), crypto.Bytes)
// Disable intended recipient check, there is no info about carols key in the message.
// The decryption function tries all supplied keys for decrypting the "anonymous" key packet.
// If the check is not disabled, the decryption result would contain a signature error.
decHandleCarol, _ := pgp.Decryption().
decryptedCarol, _ := decHandleCarol.Decrypt(pgpMessage.Bytes(), crypto.Bytes)
Encrypt and decrypt large messages with the streaming API:
pgp := crypto.PGP()
// ... See key generation above
// Encrypt plain text stream and write the output to a file
encHandle, err := pgp.Encryption().
messageReader, err := os.Open("msg.txt")
ciphertextWriter, err := os.Create("out.pgp")
ptWriter, err := encHandle.EncryptingWriter(ciphertextWriter, crypto.Armor)
_, err = io.Copy(ptWriter, messageReader)
err = ptWriter.Close()
err = messageReader.Close()
err = ciphertextWriter.Close()
ctFileRead, err := os.Open("out.pgp")
defer ctFileRead.Close()
// Decrypt stream and read the result to memory
decHandle, err := pgp.Decryption().
ptReader, err := decHandle.DecryptingReader(ctFileRead, crypto.Armor)
decResult, err := ptReader.ReadAllAndVerifySignature()
if sigErr := decResult.SignatureError(); sigErr != nil {
// Handle sigErr
// Access decrypted message with decResult.Bytes()
Keys are generated with the GenerateKey
function on the pgp handle.
import ""
const (
name = "Max Mustermann"
email = "[email protected]"
passphrase = []byte("LongSecret")
pgpDefault := crypto.PGPWithProfile(profile.Default())
pgp4880 := crypto.PGPWithProfile(profile.RFC4880())
pgpCryptoRefresh := crypto.PGPWithProfile(profile.RFC9580())
// Note that RSA keys should not be generated anymore according to
// RFC9580.
keyGenHandle := pgp4880.KeyGeneration().AddUserId(name, email).New()
// Generates rsa keys with 3072 bits
rsaKey, err := keyGenHandle.GenerateKey()
// Generates rsa keys with 4092 bits
rsaKeyHigh, err := keyGenHandle.GenerateKeyWithSecurity(constants.HighSecurity)
keyGenHandle = pgpDefault.KeyGeneration().AddUserId(name, email).New()
// Generates curve25519 v4 keys.
ecKey, err := keyGenHandle.GenerateKey()
keyGenHandle = pgpCryptoRefresh.KeyGeneration().AddUserId(name, email).New()
// Generates curve25519 v6 keys with RFC9580.
ecKey, err = keyGenHandle.GenerateKey()
// Generates curve448 v6 keys with RFC9580.
ecKeyHigh, err = keyGenHandle.GenerateKeyWithSecurity(constants.HighSecurity)
Encrypt (lock) and decrypt (unlock) a secret key:
password := []byte("password")
pgp := crypto.PGP()
// Encrypt key with password
lockedKey, err := pgp.LockKey(aliceKeyPriv, password)
// Decrypt key with password
unlockedKey, err := lockedKey.Unlock(password)
Sign a plaintext with a private key and verify it with its public key using detached signatures:
pgp := crypto.PGP()
// ... See generating keys
signingMessage := []byte("message to sign")
signer, err := pgp.Sign().SigningKey(aliceKeyPriv).Detached().New()
signature, err := signer.Sign(signingMessage, crypto.Armor)
verifier, err := pgp.Verify().VerificationKey(aliceKeyPub).New()
verifyResult, err := verifier.VerifyDetached(signingMessage, signature, crypto.Armor)
if sigErr := verifyResult.SignatureError(); sigErr != nil {
// Handle sigErr
Sign a plaintext with a private key and verify it with its public key using inline signatures:
pgp := crypto.PGP()
// ... See generating keys
signingMessage := []byte("message to sign")
signer, err := pgp.Sign().SigningKey(aliceKeyPriv).New()
signatureMessage, err := signer.Sign(signingMessage, crypto.Armor)
verifier, err := pgp.Verify().VerificationKey(aliceKeyPub).New()
verifyResult, err := verifier.VerifyInline(signatureMessage, crypto.Armor)
if sigErr := verifyResult.SignatureError(); sigErr != nil {
// Handle sigErr
// Access signed data with verifyResult.Bytes()
pgp := crypto.PGP()
// ... See generating keys
signingMessage := []byte("message to sign")
signer, err := pgp.Sign().SigningKey(aliceKeyPriv).New()
cleartextArmored, err := signer.SignCleartext(signingMessage)
// CleartextArmored has the form:
// ...
// ...
// -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
verifier, err := pgp.Verify().VerificationKey(aliceKeyPub).New()
verifyResult, err := verifier.VerifyCleartext(cleartextArmored)
if sigErr := verifyResult.SignatureError(); sigErr != nil {
// Handle sigErr
Split encrypted message into key packets and data packets
// Non-streaming
pgpMessage, err := encHandle.Encrypt(...)
keyPackets := pgpMessage.BinaryKeyPacket()
dataPackets := pgpMessage.BinaryDataPacket()
// Streaming
var keyPackets bytes.Buffer
var dataPackets bytes.Buffer
splitWriter := crypto.NewPGPSplitWriterKeyAndData(&keyPackets, &dataPackets)
ptWriter, _ := encHandle.EncryptingWriter(splitWriter, crypto.Bytes)
// ...
// Key packets are written to keyPackets while data packets are written to dataPackets
Produce encrypted detached signatures instead of embedded signatures:
// Non-streaming
encHandle, err := pgp.Encryption().
New() // Enable the detached signature option
pgpMessage, err := encHandle.Encrypt(...)
pgpMessageEncSig, err := pgpMessage.EncryptedDetachedSignature()
// pgpMessage.Bytes() encrypted message without an embedded signature
// pgpMessageEncSig.Bytes() encrypted signature message
// pgpMessage: key packets|enc data packets
// pgpMessageEncSig: key packets|enc signature packet
// Streaming
// ...
var encSigDataPackets bytes.Buffer
splitWriter := crypto.NewPGPSplitWriter(&keyPackets, &dataPackets, &encSigDataPackets)
ptWriter, err := encHandle.EncryptingWriter(splitWriter, crypto.Bytes)
// ...
// Key packets are written to keyPackets, data packets are written to dataPackets ,and
// Data packets of the encrypted signature to encSigDataPackets
This library can be compiled with Gomobile too. First ensure you have a working installation of gomobile:
gomobile version
In case this fails, install it with:
go get -u
Then ensure your path env var has gomobile's binary, and it is properly init-ed:
export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"
gomobile init
Then you must ensure that the Android or iOS frameworks are installed and the respective env vars set.
Finally, build the application
This script will build for both android and iOS at the same time, to filter one out you can comment out the line in the corresponding section.