The template: cloudformation.json
Quickly deploy a static website with SSL termination at the apex ( with www redirect ( ->
Also includes a development site for QA (
Built in CI/CD using CodePipeline & CodeBuild which pulls from your CodeCommit repo. Just push your changes to either the develop or master branch and a new version of the site will be pushed.
- S3 (File storage & static website)
- CloudFront (HTTPS & caching)
- Certificate Manager (SSL Cert)
- Route53 (DNS)
- CodeBuild (Continuous deployment)
- CodePipeline (Continuous deployment)
- CodeCommit (GIT repo)
- CloudFormation (Infrastructure as Code)
- IAM (AWS permissions & users)
When AWS Certificate Manager creates your SSL certificate it sends and email to the domain name administrator (You). You have to get that email and click the confirmation link. Once this step has been completed the stack can continue being built. More information can be found here:
Use your CodeCommit repo and your CodeCommit credentials to start checking in your static site.
CodePipeline and CodeBuild are setup to continuously deploy your site as you push changes to your repo.
Branches and CodePipeline actions:
master -> Pushes changes to APEX <>
(yes ssl)
develop -> Pushes changes to dev subdomain (no ssl)
Great question. You need to add a buildspec.yml so CodeBuid knows how to build your project.
- /www/assets/ -> Put all js, css, images, etc... in this folder.
- /www/index.html -> Put all html files in this folder.
- buildspec.yml -> CodeBuild uses this to build your project.
version: 0.1
- aws s3 sync www "s3://${BUCKET_NAME}" --acl bucket-owner-full-control --acl public-read --delete --cache-control "max-age=1" --exclude www/assets
- aws s3 sync www/assets "s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/assets" --acl bucket-owner-full-control --acl public-read --delete --cache-control "max-age=31536000"