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feat: expressions parser
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therain7 committed Oct 20, 2024
1 parent 815e87a commit aafbe4e
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Showing 3 changed files with 250 additions and 8 deletions.
80 changes: 74 additions & 6 deletions lib/parse/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ let ws1 = skip Char.is_whitespace *> ws
let ident s = string s >>| fun x -> Id x

let parens p = char '(' *> ws *> p <* ws <* char ')'
let spaced p = ws1 *> p <* ws1
let opt p = option None (p >>| Option.some)

(* ======= Identifiers ======= *)
Expand All @@ -48,9 +49,6 @@ let is_keyword = function
| _ ->

(* XXX: operator keywords? *)
(* let is_keyword_op _ = false *)

let pident flag =
let is_first =
match flag with
Expand All @@ -68,18 +66,57 @@ let pident flag =
| _ ->
false )

let id = first ^ rest in
if is_keyword id then fail "keyword" else return (Id id)

let pvalue_id = pident `LowerCase

let pconstr_id =
let keywords =
[ident "true"; ident "false"; ident "()"; ident "[]"; parens (ident "::")]
pident `Capitalized <|> keywords

(* *)

let is_op_first_char = function
| '$' | '&' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '/' | '=' | '<' | '>' | '@' | '^' | '|' | '%'
| _ ->

let is_op_char = function
| ch when is_op_first_char ch ->
| '~' | '!' | '?' | ':' | '.' ->
| _ ->

let is_keyword_op = function "|" | "->" -> true | _ -> false

let pinfix_id ?starts () =
let* first =
Option.value_map starts ~f:string
~default:(satisfy is_op_first_char >>| Char.to_string)
let* rest = take_while is_op_char in

let id = first ^ rest in
if is_keyword_op id then fail "keyword" else return (Id id)

let pprefix_id =
let* first = string "!" in
let* rest = take_while is_op_char in

let id = first ^ rest in
if is_keyword_op id then fail "keyword" else return (Id id)

let pvalue_id =
let pop_id = pinfix_id () <|> pprefix_id in
pident `LowerCase <|> parens pop_id

(* ======= Constants ======= *)

let pconst =
Expand All @@ -102,6 +139,36 @@ let pconst =

choice [pint; pchar; pstring]

(* ====== Value bindings ====== *)

[let [rec] P1 = E1 and P2 = E2 and ...]
[let [rec] ValId1 PArg1 = E1 and P1 = E2 and ...]
let plet pexpr ppat =
let pbinding =
let pfun =
let* id = pvalue_id in
let* args = ws1 *> sep_by1 ws1 ppat in
let* expr = ws *> char '=' *> pexpr in
return {pat= PatVar id; expr= ExpFun (args, expr)}

let psimple =
let* pat = ppat in
let* expr = ws *> char '=' *> pexpr in
return {pat; expr}

pfun <|> psimple

let prec_flag =
spaced (string "rec") *> return Recursive <|> ws1 *> return Nonrecursive

string "let" *> both prec_flag (sep_by1 (spaced (string "and")) pbinding)

(* ======= Operators ======= *)

type ('op, 'oprnd) op_kind =
Expand All @@ -117,7 +184,8 @@ let poperators ~(table : 'oprnd op_parse_table) ~(poprnd : 'oprnd t) =
(* Convert the table to lists of infix/prefix parsers
with explicit priorities assigned *)
let _, prefixs, infixs =
List.fold table ~init:(0, [], []) ~f:(fun (prio, prefixs, infixs) (Op op) ->
List.fold_right table ~init:(0, [], [])
~f:(fun (Op op) (prio, prefixs, infixs) ->
match op.kind with
| Prefix {apply} ->
let pop = op.pop >>| fun x -> (prio, apply x) in
Expand Down
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions lib/parse/common.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,12 +17,19 @@ val ws1 : unit t
val ident : string -> ident t

val parens : 'a t -> 'a t
val spaced : 'a t -> 'a t
val opt : 'a t -> 'a option t

(* ======= Identifiers & Constants ======= *)
val pvalue_id : ident t
(* ======= Identifiers ======= *)
val pconstr_id : ident t
val pvalue_id : ident t

val pinfix_id : ?starts:string -> unit -> ident t
val pprefix_id : ident t

(* ===== Constants, value bindings ===== *)
val pconst : constant t
val plet : expression t -> pattern t -> (rec_flag * value_binding list) t

(* ======= Operators ======= *)
type ('op, 'oprnd) op_kind =
Expand Down
167 changes: 167 additions & 0 deletions lib/parse/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
[@@@ocaml.text "/*"]

(** Copyright 2024, Andrei, PavlushaSource *)

(** SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT *)

[@@@ocaml.text "/*"]

(* *)

open! Base
open Angstrom
open LAst

open Common
open Pat

let pident = pvalue_id >>| fun id -> ExpIdent id
let pconst = pconst >>| fun const -> ExpConst const
let pconstruct = pconstr_id >>| fun id -> ExpConstruct (id, None)

[let P1 = E1 and P2 = E2 and ... in E]
[let rec ValId1 PArg1 = E1 and P1 = E2 and ... in E]
let plet pexpr =
let* rec_flag, bindings = plet pexpr ppat in
let* expr = spaced (string "in") *> pexpr in
return (ExpLet (rec_flag, bindings, expr))

(** [fun P1 ... Pn -> E] *)
let pfun pexpr =
let* args = string "fun" *> ws1 *> sep_by1 ws1 ppat in
let* expr = ws *> string "->" *> pexpr in
return (ExpFun (args, expr))

let pcases_ pexpr =
let pcase =
let* left = ppat in
let* right = ws *> string "->" *> pexpr in
return {left; right}
let pipe (* optional | *) = ws <* char '|' <|> ws1 in
pipe *> sep_by1 (ws *> char '|') pcase

(** [match E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En] *)
let pmatch pexpr =
let* expr = string "match" *> ws1 *> pexpr in
let* cases = ws1 *> string "with" *> pcases_ pexpr in
return (ExpMatch (expr, cases))

(** [function P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En] *)
let pfunction pexpr =
string "function" *> pcases_ pexpr >>| fun cases -> ExpFunction cases

(** [a; b; c] *)
let plist pexpr =
let nil = ExpConstruct (Id "[]", None) in
let list hd tl = ExpConstruct (Id "::", Some (ExpTuple [hd; tl])) in

let rec to_construct = function
| ExpSeq (e1, e2) ->
list e1 (to_construct e2)
| e ->
list e nil
char '[' *> (pexpr >>| to_construct) <* ws <* opt (char ';') <* ws <* char ']'

let poprnd pexpr =
*> choice
[ pident
; pconst
; pconstruct
; plet pexpr
; pfun pexpr
; pmatch pexpr
; pfunction pexpr
; plist pexpr
; parens pexpr ]

(* ======= Operators ======= *)

let table pexpr =
let aseq _ lhs rhs = ExpSeq (lhs, rhs) in

let pif =
let* if_ = string "if" *> ws1 *> pexpr in
spaced (string "then") *> return if_
let aif if_ then_ = ExpIfThenElse (if_, then_, None) in

let pif_else =
let* if_ = string "if" *> ws1 *> pexpr in
let* then_ = spaced (string "then") *> pexpr in
spaced (string "else") *> return (if_, then_)
let aif_else (if_, then_) else_ = ExpIfThenElse (if_, then_, Some else_) in

let atuple _ lhs = function
| ExpTuple tl ->
ExpTuple (lhs :: tl)
| rhs ->
ExpTuple [lhs; rhs]

let ainfix op_id lhs rhs = ExpApply (ExpApply (ExpIdent op_id, lhs), rhs) in

let alist _ lhs rhs = ExpConstruct (Id "::", Some (ExpTuple [lhs; rhs])) in

let aprefix_minus _ rhs = ExpApply (ExpIdent (Id "~-"), rhs) in

let aapply _ lhs rhs =
match lhs with
| ExpConstruct (id, None) ->
(* constructor application *)
ExpConstruct (id, Some rhs)
| _ ->
(* function application *)
ExpApply (lhs, rhs)

let aprefix id rhs = ExpApply (ExpIdent id, rhs) in

[ Op {pop= string ";"; kind= Infix {assoc= `Right; apply= aseq}}
(* XXX: severe backtracking when else not found *)
; Op {pop= pif_else; kind= Prefix {apply= aif_else}}
; Op {pop= pif; kind= Prefix {apply= aif}}
; Op {pop= string ","; kind= Infix {assoc= `Right; apply= atuple}}
; Op {pop= ident "||"; kind= Infix {assoc= `Right; apply= ainfix}}
; Op {pop= ident "&&"; kind= Infix {assoc= `Right; apply= ainfix}}
; Op
{ pop=
[ pinfix_id ~starts:"=" ()
; pinfix_id ~starts:"<" ()
; pinfix_id ~starts:">" ()
; pinfix_id ~starts:"|" ()
; pinfix_id ~starts:"&" ()
; pinfix_id ~starts:"$" ()
; ident "!=" ]
; kind= Infix {assoc= `Left; apply= ainfix} }
; Op
{ pop= pinfix_id ~starts:"@" () <|> pinfix_id ~starts:"^" ()
; kind= Infix {assoc= `Right; apply= ainfix} }
; Op {pop= string "::"; kind= Infix {assoc= `Right; apply= alist}}
; Op
{ pop= pinfix_id ~starts:"+" () <|> pinfix_id ~starts:"-" ()
; kind= Infix {assoc= `Left; apply= ainfix} }
; Op
{ pop=
[ pinfix_id ~starts:"*" ()
; pinfix_id ~starts:"/" ()
; pinfix_id ~starts:"%" () ]
; kind= Infix {assoc= `Left; apply= ainfix} }
; Op
{ pop= pinfix_id ~starts:"**" ()
; kind= Infix {assoc= `Right; apply= ainfix} }
; Op {pop= string "-"; kind= Prefix {apply= aprefix_minus}}
; Op {pop= unit; kind= Infix {assoc= `Left; apply= aapply}}
; Op
{ pop= pprefix_id <|> string "+" *> return (Id "~+")
; kind= Prefix {apply= aprefix} } ]

let pexpr =
fix (fun pexpr -> poperators ~table:(table pexpr) ~poprnd:(poprnd pexpr))

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