Put instructions for how to build and how to deploy, where to make edits.
Weekly instructor workflow: edit .tex files by selecting snippets and adding custom text, then update unit_settings.json with current files.
JSON Settings files:
website-settings.json: contains Global Class Name, Course Offering Name, Feedback, Copyright Year, Copyright Name, and IncludeUngroupedSnippets keys.
Global Class Name (str): this name is the generic title of the class (i.e. Discrete Math for CS)
** TO ARCHIVE: Set Global Class Name to "DEPRECATED TERM YEAR Class Name"
Course Offering Name (str): this name is specific to a certain university/term, used on unit and calendar overview sidebar menus
Feedback (str): iframe embed html code for a feedback form for website function and user experience
Copyright Year + Copyright Name (str): copyright information
Steps for archiving: (1) Create new repository in archive-theory-cs organization or archive-discrete-math-for-cs organization, name this repository TERMYEAR-theory-cs.github.io or TERMYEAR-discrete-math-for-cs.github.io (2) Copy over all files from current repo to this new repo. Make sure to include .gitignore file and .github folder. (3) Move all solutions files from files/.. to notes/archive/... (4) Add notes/archive/* and grades/* to .gitignore (5) Commit and push to GitHub (6) Configure Pages on GitHub: In repo, Settings --> Pages --> Build and deployment --> Source: Deploy from a branch --> Branch --> "published" . Then click "Save".
IncludeUngroupedSnippets (boolean): flag
if true: all snippets present in notes/activity-snippets will be added to the end of outcome/application compiled files (generated/notes/outcome or /app)
if false: snippets which are not included in any lesons/ .tex files will not be included in outcome/application compiled files (generated/notes/outcome or /app)
outcomes.json: contains first, second, and third tier learning outcomes of Discrete Maths (specifically CSE 20) and the attributes of each outcome
First tier outcome (top-level key) (str) : these are program/theory outcomes and are displayed as box titles on overview_outcome.html
Description (str): description of the first tier outcome
Icon (str): html code of the icon featured beside the first tier outcome on the overview_outcome.html (i.e. a paper airplane)
Second tier outcome (child of top-level key) (str): these are the sidebar menu options and are individual web pages
Description (str): description of the second tier outcome
Icon (str): one-two letter acronym for second tier outcome, shown on sidebar menu
file (str): html file which features the webpage for the second tier outcome (format - "x.html")
Third tier outcome (child of second tier outcome): these are the collapsible menu options on each second tier webpage, each has its own pdf of compiled snippets
Description (str): description of the third tier outcome
filename (str): pdf file which displays compiled snippets in which third tier outcome is featured
(format - do not include .pdf file extension)