A set of classes for backbone.js implementing common patterns that are frequently used in web applications. Example provided uses Twitter's Bootstrap framework.
What's included:
- to easily render a table.Recipes.Views.Pager
- to go through next, previous, first, last and Nth pages.Recipes.Views.SearchBox
- to filter the collection that backs the table.Recipes.Collections.PaginatedCollection
- collection class that understands pagination and filtering.
A simple Twitter search that displays results in a paginated table would be implemented like this:
var collection = new App.Collections.TwitterSearch();
new Recipes.Views.Table({
el: $("#table"),
collection: collection,
row_template: _.template("<td><img src='<%= profile_image_url %>'></img><br/>@<%= from_user %></td><td><%= text %></td>")
new Recipes.Views.Pager({
el: $("#pager"),
collection: collection
var search = new Recipes.Views.SearchBox({
el: $("#search"),
collection: collection
And we get this: