Name | Use | Default | Global | Type | Allowed Values |
EnvironmentName | Tagging | dev | true | string | |
EnvironmentType | Tagging | development | true | string | ['development','production'] |
SubnetIds | List of subnets | None | false | CommaDelimitedList | |
RDSInstanceType | RDS Instance Type to use | None | false | string | |
RDSAllocatedStorage | Amount of storage in GB to assign | None | false | string | |
DnsDomain | DNS domain to use | None | true | string | |
MultiAZ | Specifies whether the database instance is a multiple Availability Zone deployment | false | false | ['true','false'] | |
RDSSnapshotID | The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the DB snapshot that's used to restore the DB instance | false | false | string |
Name | Value | Exported |
SecurityGroup | Security Group Name | true |
DBIdentifier | RDS Identifier | true |
Component name:'database', template: 'rds-postgres' do
parameter name: 'DnsDomain', value: root_domain
parameter name: 'DnsFormat', value: FnSub("${EnvironmentName}.#{root_domain}")
parameter name: 'SubnetIds', value: cfout('vpcv2', 'PersistenceSubnets')
parameter name: 'RDSInstanceType', value: 'db.m5.large'
parameter name: 'MultiAZ', value: 'false'
parameter name: 'StackOctet', value: '120'
parameter name: 'RDSAllocatedStorage', value: '100'
engine: mysql
engine_version: '5.7.22'
family: mysql5.7
dns_record: db
deletion_policy: Snapshot
authentication_timeout: '60'
db_instance_name: app1intance
storage_encrypted: true
backup_retention_period: 7
IpProtocol: tcp
FromPort: 3306
ToPort: 3306
- stack
username_ssm_param: /project/rds/RDS_MASTER_USERNAME
password_ssm_param: /project/rds/RDS_MASTER_PASSWORD
install cfhighlander gem
gem install cfhighlander
or via docker
docker pull theonestack/cfhighlander
Running the tests
cfhighlander cftest rds-mysql