Fake Movies RESTful API with NodeJS and Express. (Its funny name was random generated.)
First, you need to install:
Then clone the repository, check out project's directory and run:
npm install
Start MongoDB:
and then your local app server at localhost:3000 with:
npm run start
When you make changes to your files and save them, you don't have to stop and restart the server. It restarts automatically with the aid of nodemon.
Also, there is already a db.json file with fake data, so you can use it for your Request Methods. But if you want to generate new ones, we have created a script fakeDataGenerator.js to do that. You only have to execute:
npm run create
For your API Development Environment we suggest Postman, also available as an extension to Chrome Web Store.
flickering-both-maggot is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.