A simple web tool to create html docs under git from structured markdown files.
I use it to create Drupal manuals based on structure of theodorosploumis/drupal-manual.
- One page docs
- HTML default output
- Single pages option
- Version control data
- Structured data
- Simple to install and start with
- Custom css with css variables
- composer
- php 7.1+
Normally you should only add/edit files inside these folders.
// styling & helper images
// md files and images that generate pages
cp settings.php.example settings.php
composer install
php -S localhost:4777
- document functions
- use global settings inside md (eg site url)
- create a function to generate Taxonomy pages or lists
- livereload on every change
- add html mask numbers (annotations) over images (?)
- add page numbers
- add page numbers to TOC
- allow json data
- add inline md editor
- support Chrome workspaces (for editing)
- support docx
- support pdf (with css styles)
- support json