Docker sdk, clients, wrappers etc written in PHP.
- Docker PHP sdk
- Docker-compose php sdk
- DockerCloud php sdk
- DockerHub php sdk
- Docker 3rd party tools php sdk
- docker-php/docker-php - A Docker client written in PHP. This library aim to reach 100% API support of the Docker Engine.
- SoftBricks/php-docker-wrapper - PHP wrapper class for docker CLI (feature incomplete).
- andreipetcu/docker-php - Small wrapper for running docker commands via PHP.
- mburtscher/docker-php-client
- jarkt/docker-php-client
- slopjong/docklet - A docker client for PHP that mimics the docker shell client.
- Alvine-IO/docker - Docker Remote API PHP client libraries.
- BardiaAfshin/Docker-Factory - A PHP wrapper library for managing your docker images programmatically.
- Khal3d/php-docker - PHP client for Docker.
- hicyrus/docker-php-api - Docker php api.
- danielpanzella/DockerPHPBundle - Symfony bundle for Docker PHP SDK.
- ubirak/docker-php - Docker client in php to hack missing features of official docker client.
- widuu/docker-php - Docker PHP Client API.
- tranduykhanh/php-docker-client - Docker PHP Client API.
- ericmdev/docker-client-php - RESTful API client for Docker in PHP.
- tplcom/dophpsdk - A simple docker php sdk.
- homauger/docker-compose-php - A docker-compose SDK in PHP.
- jarkt/dockercloud-php-client
- allansun/docker-cloud-php-api - This is a PHP FULL implementation of DockerCloud's API.
- bkuhl/dockerhub-api-php-sdk - A PHP SDK for integrating with DockerHub's API v2.
- realpage/waves - PHP client to make your life easier when talking to Docker Hub.
- haswalt/RancherPHP - A PHP client for interacting with the Rancher API.
- Leen15/rancher-wrapper - A php wrapper for use rancher API. Used for scale or upgrade services.
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, TheodorosPloumis has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.