It's a web-interface for creating flyers quickly and easily.
Use story #1:
- Person is doing workshop, wants flyer
- selects event from calendar
- tweaks the tagline
- hits the big red button
- downloads awesome pdf
Use story #2:
- wants to make an event not on the calendar
- fill out details
- hit the big red button
- download pdf
You have to get it from github:
git clone git://
You'll need these python libraries:
- Cherrypy
- Jinja2
- Google Calendar
And you also need in the top level of the git repo (next to
- A copy of wkhtmltopdf from
- A copy of site.conf: if you don't have one, just touch site.conf
- A tmp directory (run
mkdir tmp
So you want to upload this to dotcloud?
Sign up for a dotcloud account
Install the dotcloud client side CLI
Register your API key with your client
Find a copy of for linux - under Ubuntu 11.04, this sits under
Copy it here, so that wkhtmltopdf actually runs under dotcloud
Then, do this:
dotcloud push --all flyergen .
The --all option pushes your wkhtmltopdf along with everything else
To run:
To write your own templates:
- Be sure to target webkit, since that's what wkhtmltopdf uses
Bugs aren't cool, telling us about bugs is. Report issues/suggestions on github: