- Run
- Create
based on the provided example
- Make sure delete buttons get appropriately populated (delete button is created, but removed when we hit 'create new testfit'; suspect it has something to do with adding/removing classes)
- Screen resizing
- Duplicate test fit
- 3D link
- Logout button
- Add special be able to change it
- Show more building data in the right-hand panel (right now, just suite name)
- Figure out why export to 0 width happens
- Visiting routes (via refresh) doesn't crash app if doesn't exist
- Remove save fail route
- Buffer / store changes until hit save
- Update legend (e.g,. work, collab, support, ratios, other metrics)
- Add routes for editing special in layout
- Testfit viewing route
- Guarantee prepopulate order
- If don't choose a layout when creating new, shouldn't set to whitebox
Cubicle layer
Browser compatibility
No internet case
CMS tools
- Save as preset
- Enter number of seats
DXF -> SVG processing
Protofit brandmark everywhere / nav bar
Don't crash when deleting current testfit
Flash after print
PDF blackness
Create bounding for SVG so it doesn't squash other stuff
Fix drawing paths
Better CMS editing
Cell types in layout
Upgrade existing plans
Don't deselect all when replacing one cell with another?
- Beacon
Refactor whitebox and layers
Investigate line weights
Refactor front-end data model to mirror backend data model
Walls as own layer
Refactor server and client-side routes
Link to specific testfit
Need cell for reception
Load font faster
Refactor layers to use ID and not array index
Refactor seating
Refactor cell state (e.g., combine static, layer, disabled)
Remove merge cell borders when unmerged
Add doors
Center to visual center
Merge to merge
Figure out real world coordinates
Fix drawing of large merges
Recursive splitting
Fix being able to merge multiple tiles
Pretty urls
Cache user organization so we don't check each time something happens
Create CellList, Cell, Layout, and Layer schema?
Flash on save success/fail
Multiline addresses
Move unmoveable cells (e.g., reception, pantry) to own layer
- Add disabled layers
- Remove for whitebox
- Floored admin: can do everything
- Org admin: can do everything within organization
- User: can do everything but add other users within organization (can we kill?)
- Users belong to organizations; permissions check if in organization and role
Trailing slash routing problem
Active demising checkbox
Set up permissions for different groups
Google analytics
Other analytics?
Set up s3 + authentication
Deploying migrations
- Don't deselect after editing
- Cells not disabling
- Refactor list of buttons
- Prepopulate user-defined testfits when onboarding new suite
- Upgrade beacon
- Be able to select after making new test fit
- /app
- /home
- Saving / loading test fits
- Add home page
- Split up preset vs layout; can't edit preset?
- Edit name not working
- Empty cell highlighting
- / + /login
- Cell counts
- Fix whitebox
- Add 'suite' in front of suite number in show
- Project creation script
- Redesign app layout
- List of test fits
- Update furniture blocks
- protofit-dev, protofit-staging, protofit
- Refactor disabled cell
- Merge the merge conference buttons
- Set up routes
- Make sure special is getting correct color
- Check on n00b cell
- Fix printinfo
- Take out 'static'
- Add cell for reception
- draw merged cells
- Show reception / pantry
- fix cells
- Deselect cells
- Disabled cells
- Merge UI
- Print.css
- Request change
- Deploy
- Print.css
- Get/set layout with merged
- Merging
- Merge rules
- Pre-configured merge
- logo
- Name and address
- Deselect cells upon selection after updating cell type
- Print to pdf
- add the badges
- Set up nunjucks
- set up nodemon
- set up gulp + restart on self
- Set up stylus
- Set up browserify
- Set up mongoose
- Set up mongo + add to install / readme
- Set up environment variables
- Set up travis
- Set up heroku
- Set up users
- Drop in protofit
- Relationships
- Create models (orgs, buildings, floors, suite arrangements, suites)
- Deal with window resizing
- Support merging in data structure (not necessarily implement)
- White-box button
- Hook up cell change buttons
- Publish vs draft? Who gets to see my work?
- Only chrome works
- Hover cell info
- Fallbacks
- Sharing (e.g., email; printable page)
- Investigate pan/zoom
- Benching types (density)
- Add pop-up when mousing over cell?
- Debug mode that has cell #
- Indicate how many people would be added / removed
- Merge cells
- Undo / redo
- Use gulp-watch, not gulp.watch
- Browser events
- Add disclaimer (close, not represent)
- Modules
- Don't redraw cells on reset; unclip and change color instead
- Add compass here
- Share multiple floor plans
- Fix drag out of window, still mousedown bug
- Measure tools for distances and areas
- SVG defs to reuse definition of icons
- Minify and optimize svg via svgo
- Turn elements into a single large path
- Gzip SVGs
- https://blog.idrsolutions.com/2014/11/6-tips-optimising-svg-files/
- Render SVG icons with icon fonts. Example here.
- Reduce number of redraws
- Reusing symbols? Example here
- Use CSS transforms on HTML element holding SVG, not on SVG directly
- Use rounded coordinates. Example here
- Use rasterized images wherever possible
- http://calendar.perfplanet.com/2014/tips-for-optimising-svg-delivery-for-the-web/
- Don't parse then draw svg; draw directly when possible
- Use CSS to style SVG elements, rather than per-element styling
- Cut up SVG layers into cells and only load what is needed
- Remove unnecessary layers and paths
- Use SVG to represent blocks and floor plan only
- [√] Draw background as image / don't use SVG.js to render -> use browser to render
- Store object locations rather than all data for how an object looks (lends well to using SVG refs)
- Canvas?