This is a portal which can be used by Terraformers and Applicants.
Terraformer can use the portal to
- Login/Signup
- Add a new Job Listing
- Archive a Job (which will not be visible for applicants)
- Drag and drop job cards
- See interested applicants for a specific job
- Sign out
Applicant can use the portal to
- Login/Signup
- See all the jobs
- Show interest
- Sign out
Features of Job Portal
Any user can register in either of two roles. Can also login using the same.
Users are not allowed to register for a role and login using another role.
No one can access dashboard with loggin in or registering.
A Terraformer can add a new job listing by filling all the details of a job.
A terraformer once archives a job, the job will not be isted in applicant's dashboard.
Every job is displayed as a card which can be dragged and dropped. Each card has a color which shows if the deadline is within 3 days(red), within 21 days(yellow) and more than 21 days(green).
Each job card also has a see interested button in terraformer dashboard which on clicked gives a dropdown that shows the interested users.
On an applicant's dashboard each unarchived job will be listed as cards which will have show interest button. By clicking it, the terraformer can see the applicant's name in interested.
Any user can sign out whenever needed.
User friendly UI was designed. Example: The archive button will be intitially blue and whenever the job is archived it will turn red to make it easy for the user understand.
Similarly upon clikcing interested button in applicant's dashboard the button turns green.
Tech Stack
- The front end was developed in HTML, CSS & Javascript.
- The backend was developed in Node JS using Express Framework.
- The database used is MongoDB which is connected to backend using Mongoose.
- The front end uses Fetch method to call the api functions and render changes in front end.
- The server is deployed using and is hosted as a web service.
- The site is deployed in Netlify in the url
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P.S The same project I would have done using React as front end, but due to Time constraints and I had exams, HTML ,CSS & JS was used.