Run PHPUnit without needing a PHP runtime installed on your docker host.
For example, to build PHPUnit 8.0.5:
$ docker build -t phpunit-docker:8.0.5 8.0.5/
For example, to run PHPUnit 8.0.5 on your application /path/to/app
with config file phpunit.xml
$ docker run -itv /path/to/app:/app phpunit-docker:8.0.5 -c phpunit.xml
This can be simplified by setting up an alias in your ~/.bashrc
alias phpunit='docker run -itv "$PWD":/app phpunit-docker:8.0.5'
Then, running the image simply becomes:
$ cd /path/to/app
$ phpunit -c phpunit.xml
- Autogenerate different PHPUnit versions using something like m4 (see here).