A verticle platformer like DK but starting at the top going down ladders, collect words and time bonuses in chest. timed game. must guess verse before time out. if you die you just start back at the top.
Ruby 2.1.5 with up-to-date gems imagemagick => on os x 'brew install imagemagick'
I have configured it not to be responsive for >1200px screen width. I don't like it that wide and it messes up my stage which is necessarily a fixed width.
lessc .less/bootstrap.less --compile public/css/bootstrap.css
on my local machine: git pull
make edits. test.
git commit -a -m "message"
git push origin master
ssh into server.
git pull
Here's a one-liner to remove deleted files from the git repo:
git ls-files -d -z | xargs -0 git update-index --remove
It needs (locally and on the server) a database_config.rb file that gets ignored by .gitignore with the following:
DataMapper.setup(:default, "sqlite3://#{Dir.pwd}/kidbuilder.sqlite3") #locally, or:
DataMapper.setup(:default, {
:adapter => 'mysql',
:host => 'mysql.******.***',
:username => '*********',
:password => '*********',
:database => '*******'})
cd into directory
git pull
irb -r main-app.rb
screen rvmsudo thin -p80 start Ctrl+a, Ctrl+d // to detatch screen -r //to reatatch
He created everything. We belong to Him and He makes the rules!
It's not a formula or a spell. God wants to hear about our lives. He wants us to trust that He can make a difference.
Although selfish, sinful choices naturally build a wall between us and God, Jesus' personal sacrifice has made forgiveness