A PHP manipulation library.
//Merge two files
$path = 'path.mp3';
$path1 = 'path1.mp3';
$mp3 = new PHPMP3($path);
$newpath = 'path.mp3';
$mp3_1 = new PHPMP3($path1);
$mp3->setIdv3_2('01','Track Title','Artist','Album','Year','Genre','Comments','Composer','OrigArtist',
//Extract 30 seconds starting after 10 seconds.
$path = 'path.mp3';
$mp3 = new PHPMP3($path);
$mp3_1 = $mp3->extract(10,30);
//Extract the exact length of time
$path = 'path.mp3';
$mp3 = new PHPMP3($path);
echo $mp3->time;
//note that this is the exact length!
- Add tests
- Use fopen and fseek instead of reading in the whole file all at once.
- Implement PSR-0 and PSR-4
- Add composer
- Create separate classes for manipulating ID3 and cutting mp3s
- Deprecate setIdv3_2 and replace with method which can write each tag individually
Class originated from regin http://www.sourcerally.net/Scripts/20-PHP-MP3-Class This class was forked from http://www.ClickFM.co.il/temp/ofer/mp3.txt A small fix was taken from comment by kamilmajewski on http://www.sourcerally.net/Scripts/20-PHP-MP3-Class