Backend for Application Crash Reports for Android - ACRA.
- Static assets now use relative URLs to allow running acra-go behind an NGINX reverse proxy with custom sub-path.
# Start acra-go on port 80 with custom sub-path /acra/
docker run -d --name acra-go -v acra-go:/data thedrhax/acra-go
docker run -d --name proxy --link acra-go:acra -e PROXY=true \
-e PROXY_HOST=acra/ -e LOCATION=/acra/ \
Added tabs Custom Data and Build Config for each report.
Fixed type of
(part of issue gen2brain/acra-go#5).
go install -v
This will install server in $GOPATH/bin/acra-go
The other way to run acra-go is to deploy a Docker container. The command listed below will start acra-go on port 80 with frontend protected by Basic Auth (admin:admin).
docker run -d --name acra-go -v acra:/data -p 80:80 \
-e HTPASSWD_FRONTEND='admin:$apr1$qSR1P5cj$SKkO5nF96Qa99pDhPl3ZV0' \
There are two available environment variables:
— .htpasswd string for /send (user reports);-e HTPASSWD_FRONTEND
— .htpasswd string for /view (admin panel);
Reports are saved in /data
. You can attach a named volume to this directory to achieve data persistence.
-v acra-go:/data
script should configure your system on Linux and build the leveldb version of acra-go in bin/acra-go
Server by default listens on port 55000, you can bind it to other port like this:
acra-go --bind-addr :80
ACRA should send reports to
. Example annotation of your Android Application
@ReportsCrashes(formUri = "",
formUriBasicAuthLogin = "yourusername", // optional
formUriBasicAuthPassword = "y0uRpa$$w0rd", // optional
reportType = org.acra.sender.HttpSender.Type.JSON, // recommended
mode = ReportingInteractionMode.TOAST,
resToastText = R.string.crash_toast_text)
public class MyApplication extends Application {
Usage of acra-go:
--bind-addr string
Bind address (default ":55000")
--database-dir string
Path to database directory (default ".")
--htpasswd-backend string
Path to htpasswd file, if empty backend auth is disabled
--htpasswd-frontend string
Path to htpasswd file, if empty frontend auth is disabled
--read-timeout int
Read timeout (seconds) (default 5)
--write-timeout int
Write timeout (seconds) (default 15)
: dashboard of the crashes/send
: accepts POST and PUT requests from you app and stores report in db/view
: view all reports, returns json/view?id=9823648d-20f6-4663-b8b5-f66f9fc97f81
: view a single report, identified by report id