- clone
npm install
node index.js
This will serve up a local server using etags for cache control
- install chrome 48.0.2564.41 beta-m (64-bit)
- goto
- press the buttons
- Using sync xmlhttp loading, the response is empty on the second click
- the
resource is cached correctly, as verified by going tochrome://cache
- in chrome network inspector, it is verified that the response is indeed empty
- the
- the problem does not occur when cache is disabled
- the problem does not occur when etags are disabled
- the problem does not occur using async xmlhttp or fetch
The login page at https://businessportal.apsmos.com/ uses the dojo js framework. This framework uses synchronous xmlhttprequests to resolve its dependencies. The problem reproduces after a few refreshes.
Note that in response to the empty response, dojo's fallback resource loading mechanism is triggered, which results in a bunch of 404's. The underlying problem however, is the empty cache response.
Also note that the "disable cache while devtools is open" feature of chrome dev tools should be disabled.