AD350 group project. Repo created for sharing and merging scripts. Don't worry about breaking it. I know enough where we can rollback to previous commits. But if you want to play around and learn to use git in a collaborative way I suggest creating a branch then doing a pull request to merge changes.
- csv - contains all the csv files that have been converted from json
- json - contains the json files. (this is how we get data from our data feeds)
- py - contains python scripts for converting json to csv and converting opinions into likert scale rating
- snippets - some tidbits and incomplete procedures experimenting with different aspects of SQL
- stored_procedures - contains all the stored procedure scripts for the targeted_marketing schema
- functions - helper methods to make procedures code more readable
- view_data_scripts - contains all the views created for the targeted_marketing schema
- byte_bandits_schema.sql - creates all tables and their relationships
- byte_bandits_inserts.sql - inserts some example data into the tables (at least 5 rows of data)
- csv/clean_bendover_data_feed.csv - use this file or the json equivalent when creating stored procedures to load data
- Jane Doe is intentionally entered 2x. There is an opinion intensity change. It may be easier to view in the json file