Sample application developed for support during the UNIVPM seminar on May 28th.
In order to run the app, you will need:
- Composer, the PHP dependency manager: (the "global" installation is recommended")
- Vagrant, a tool to manage and distribute portable development environments:
After cloning the repository, just download the dependencies:
$ composer install
And bring the virtual machine up:
$ vagrant up
The above is a step that needs to be performed every time you start working on the app. The first run will be slow (it needs to download the virtual machine base image), the subsequent ones will take just a few seconds.
When done, just reach the application at the following URL: http://localhost:8080
The Zend1 app manages a darts tournament which consists in 501 double out games, letting you register scores for each player in each turn. At the end of the game, it increments a counter of games won for the winner. Rules for 501 double out can be found here:
- Version 1, "oh god why" - Most of the logic is in the controller, SOLID principles are all violated, it's impossible to write proper unit tests.
- Version 2, "meh" - Logic has been factored in several service classes, but there are no interfaces nor dependency injection whatsoever.
- Version 3, "not bad" - Services are now implementing interfaces and dependency injection is properly done via a service container. All units now depend upon abstractions.
Below you can find the slides we created for the seminar @ UNIVPM. Italian only, sorry about that!
The application is missing the following feature:
- Right now the first player that reaches 0 points wins, this shouldn't happen, we should allow all players to end the turn before ending the game.
- If two players reach 0 points in the same turn they should go through N turns until one of the players scores more then the other.
Implement one or both features described above alone or with a team (maximum 4 people) and submit a pull request before June 7th 2015.
We will evaluate your work and reward the best implementation.
Have fun!