Intent: This code Library is a WIP (work in progress) library intended to be consumed by other developers working on by other python developers working on Networking applications. The library is intended to provide a universal framework, and dataclass structure for developing applications in real time by scraping data using SSH. The
Application is currently working on being deployed on a single server directly from the server at the moment. Support is only on Mac, Linux. Future improvements will be running the service as a single docker container for support on all platforms. Possible improvements will also see the application
docker pull python:3.8-slim-bullseye
docker build -t osnc:latest .
docker run osnc:latest -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd):/opt/OSNC
Intended Consumable Packages are located under the Network Package:
from Network.L2.Switch import Stack
from Network.L2.Vlan import vlan
from Network.L1.Port import Interface
An example of the starting entry point would look like:
from Network.Switch import Stack
s = Stack(<ipaddress>)
This Will log into the switch and run the following commands:
show run
show version
show int status
show run | section interface
show run | in interface
show interface
show inventory
show interface counters
show cdp nei detail
show module all
show module
show run | section snmp
show snmp user
show access-list
show run | section logging
show run | in logging
show mac address-table
show run | section tacacs
show power inline
show environment all
Using the data from those commands the script than populates the Stack object's properties with the data from the commands