This application grabs next matches and the current table from a team website.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed as dependency ex_fussball_de_scraper
in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ex_fussball_de_scraper, "~> 0.1"}
The app has default configurations:
config :ex_fussball_de_scraper, :css,
team_name: ".stage-team h2",
matches: "#id-team-matchplan-table tbody tr",
matches_match_id: "td:last-child a",
matches_match_headline: "td:first-child",
matches_match_headline_splitter: "|",
matches_match_club_names: "td.column-club .club-name",
current_table: "#team-fixture-league-tables > table",
season_split_at: "/",
season_join_with: "-"
config :ex_fussball_de_scraper, :url,
scheme: "https",
host: "",
path_regex: ~r/\/mannschaft\/(?<team_rewrite>[^\/]+)\/-\/saison\/(?<saison>\d\d\d\d)\/team-id\/(?<team_id>[^\/]+)(#!(?<fragment>[^\/]+))*/
config :ex_fussball_de_scraper, :gen_server,
call_timeout: 2000
You may overwrite it by setting some of these configurations in your project.
To use this app you need a rewrite and an id for your team from Therefore go to the team website at and have a look to the url. The format is like:!/section/stage Copy the values within <> and use it like so:
Receive the next matches:
ExFussballDeScraper.Scraper.next_matches("club-name-team-rewrite", "team-id")
This returns a tuple:
{:ok, %{team_name: "my team name", matches: [...]}, timestamp}
{:error, error_reason, timestamp}
Receive the current table
ExFussballDeScraper.Scraper.current_table("club-name-team-rewrite", "team-id")
This returns a tuple:
{:ok, %{team_name: "my team name", current_table: html_string}, timestamp}
{:error, error_reason, timestamp}
Everything may break everytime. Therefore this package is licensed under the LGPL 3.0. Do whatever you want with it, but please give improvements and bugfixes back so everyone can benefit.
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