Scripts for Kopano.
: This script pulls the community (development) files for your OS and setup a repo so you can use apt-get to install.
It's currently tested on Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 but should work for Debian 8-9 and Ubuntu 16/18/20 .04 (LTS editions) also.
This eliminates the use of dpkg -i *.deb on kopano-community files.
It sets up a local file repo, which is easy to adapt for a webserver repo, examples are provided in the files.
Do note, verify if you are happy with the default script settings.
For the quick and unpatient, keep the defaults and run:
wget -O - | sudo bash
sudo apt install kopano-server-packages
And too see the new versions, you can use the following command:
apt-cache policy kopano-server-packages kopano-webapp z-push-kopano
Note, when you are upgrading and you might see packages are "kept back" and this is why.
Kopano is fast moving at the moment, sometimes new packages are added or older removed,
when you just run apt update, in these cases you must use apt dist-upgrade --autoremove
So make sure, you always check for "kept back" packages.
The --autoremove
is very handy with the upgrades, for example.
libgsoap-kopano-x.y.z. this one of often upgraded but the older version is not autoremoved.
which results in possible, strange things within Kopano, autoremove removed the older version
while upgradeing.
But there are also packages which might not be removed while upgrading and to make this all work,
you might want to at these options --autoremove --purge, so you can run : `apt dist-upgrade --autoremove --purge`
This removed obsolete files and installes the kept back packages in one go.
The script and the default settings in it, will do following for you:
- create a folder
defaults to : /srv/repo/kopano, you can adjust the path in the script if you like.
! Do note, if you change it after you have run it, you need to adjust the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kopano-community.list file also. - create a subfolder
, this is the folder where the "$ARCH"/*.deb files will be placed. - pulls the files from the Kopano community (development) site.
i've set as default : KOPANO_COMMUNITY_PKG="core archiver files mdm smime webapp migration-pst"
this is what most use and will use. - makes a backup of the previous version to
if there is a bad build, which can happen, you now van revert to the previous packages, note, this is a MANUAL action.
There is no restore option in the script. - cleanup leftovers.
- add z-push repo (
) - setup the local-file repo (
the repo example file:
- File setup for Kopano Community:
deb [trusted=yes] file:/$BASE_FOLDER/kopano/ amd64/
- Webserver setup for Kopano Community:
deb [trusted=yes] http://localhost/kopano/ amd64/
To enable the webserver, install a webserver ( apache/nginx )
Now symlink/$BASE_FOLDER/kopano/
And dont forget to change localhost to you hostname or ip of the virtual host of the webserver.
- File setup for Kopano Community:
If you like my work, support me a bit, even with 1 $ you are helping me.
I dont ask for hunderds, a (few) buck(s) is/are a great gift also.
- Donate via Paypal (my paypal email is louis at van-belle .nl)
@Christian Knittl-Frank for fixes so far. (
@fbartels (@Kopano) for helping out. (