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@domgreen domgreen released this 02 Sep 15:47


Accepted into CNCF:


  • #1378 Thanos Receive now exposes thanos_receive_config_hash, thanos_receive_config_last_reload_successful and thanos_receive_config_last_reload_success_timestamp_seconds metrics to track latest configuration change
  • #1268 Thanos Sidecar added support for newest Prometheus streaming remote read added here. This massively improves memory required by single
    request for both Prometheus and sidecar. Single requests now should take constant amount of memory on sidecar, so resource consumption prediction is now straightforward. This will be used if you have Prometheus 2.13 or 2.12-master.
  • #1358 Added part_size configuration option for HTTP multipart requests minimum part size for S3 storage type
  • #1363 Thanos Receive now exposes thanos_receive_hashring_nodes and thanos_receive_hashring_tenants metrics to monitor status of hash-rings
  • #1395 Thanos Sidecar added /-/ready and /-/healthy endpoints to Thanos sidecar.
  • #1297 Thanos Compact added /-/ready and /-/healthy endpoints to Thanos compact.
  • #1431 Thanos Query added hidden flag to allow the use of downsampled resolution data for instant queries.
  • #1408 Thanos Store Gateway can now allow the specifying of supported time ranges it will serve (time sharding). Flags: min-time & max-time


  • #1414 Upgraded important dependencies: Prometheus to 2.12-rc.0. TSDB is now part of Prometheus.
  • #1380 Upgraded important dependencies: Prometheus to 2.11.1 and TSDB to 0.9.1. Some changes affecting Querier:
    • [ENHANCEMENT] Query performance improvement: Efficient iteration and search in HashForLabels and HashWithoutLabels. #5707
    • [ENHANCEMENT] Optimize queries using regexp for set lookups. tsdb#602
    • [BUGFIX] prometheus_tsdb_compactions_failed_total is now incremented on any compaction failure. tsdb#613
    • [BUGFIX] PromQL: Correctly display {name="a"}.
  • #1338 Thanos Query still warns on store API duplicate, but allows a single one from duplicated set. This is gracefully warn about the problematic logic and not disrupt immediately.
  • #1385 Thanos Compact exposes flag to disable downsampling downsampling.disable.


  • #1327 Thanos Query /series API end-point now properly returns an empty array just like Prometheus if there are no results
  • #1302 Thanos now efficiently reuses HTTP keep-alive connections
  • #1371 Thanos Receive fixed race condition in hashring
  • #1430 Thanos fixed value of GOMAXPROCS inside container.


  • #1458 Thanos Query and Receive now use common instrumentation middleware. As as result, for sake of http_requests_total and http_request_duration_seconds_bucket; Thanos Query no longer exposes thanos_query_api_instant_query_duration_seconds, thanos_query_api_range_query_duration_second metrics and Thanos Receive no longer exposes thanos_http_request_duration_seconds, thanos_http_requests_total, thanos_http_response_size_bytes.
  • #1423 Thanos Bench deprecated.