This is script and implementation of frontend image compression, convert, rotate, resize based on codecs in Google/Squoosh. All codecs are copy from the Squoosh repo without modifying. if you want to pre-process images before uploading them to the server, please use this repo for reference
<script type="module">
import { loadImage, encodeWebP, encodeWebP2, encodeAvif, encodeJpeg, encodeJxl, rotateImage, resizeImage, encodeOnixPng, quantizeImage, resizePixelImage } from "";
// Load image before encode
const image = await loadImage("./assets/images/example.jpg");
// Define options is nees
const options = {
minQuantizer: 33,
maxQuantizer: 63,
minQuantizerAlpha: 33,
maxQuantizerAlpha: 63,
tileColsLog2: 0,
tileRowsLog2: 0,
speed: 8,
subsample: 1,
module: {
avifEncJs: "/codecs/avif/enc/avif_enc.js"
// Call function to encode image return is base64 format
const webPImageResult = await encodeAvif(image, options);
document.getElementById('webp-image').src = webPImageResult
Convert image to WEBP format with
// Available & Default options
const options = {
quality: 75,
target_size: 0,
target_PSNR: 0,
method: 4,
sns_strength: 50,
filter_strength: 60,
filter_sharpness: 0,
filter_type: 1,
partitions: 0,
segments: 4,
pass: 1,
show_compressed: 0,
preprocessing: 0,
autofilter: 0,
partition_limit: 0,
alpha_compression: 1,
alpha_filtering: 1,
alpha_quality: 100,
lossless: 0,
exact: 0,
image_hint: 0,
emulate_jpeg_size: 0,
thread_level: 0,
low_memory: 0,
near_lossless: 100,
use_delta_palette: 0,
use_sharp_yuv: 0,
module: {
webpEncJs: "/codecs/webp/enc/webp_enc.js"
// Call function to encode image return is base64 format
const result = await encodeWebP(image, options);
Convert image to AVIF format
// Available & Default options
const options = {
minQuantizer: 33,
maxQuantizer: 63,
minQuantizerAlpha: 33,
maxQuantizerAlpha: 63,
tileColsLog2: 0,
tileRowsLog2: 0,
speed: 8,
subsample: 1,
module: {
avifEncJs: "/codecs/avif/enc/avif_enc.js"
// Call function to encode image return is base64 format
const result = await encodeWebP(image, options);
Encode JPEG image with mozjpeg
// Available & Default options
const options = {
quality: 75,
baseline: false,
arithmetic: false,
progressive: true,
optimize_coding: true,
smoothing: 0,
color_space: 3 /*YCbCr*/,
quant_table: 3,
trellis_multipass: false,
trellis_opt_zero: false,
trellis_opt_table: false,
trellis_loops: 1,
auto_subsample: true,
chroma_subsample: 2,
separate_chroma_quality: false,
chroma_quality: 75,
module: {
mozjpegEncJs: "/codecs/mozjpeg/enc/mozjpeg_enc.js"
// Call function to encode image return is base64 format
const result = await encodeJpeg(image, options);
Encode PNG image with oxipng
// Available & Default options
const options = {
level: 2,
module: {
pngEncDecJs: "/codecs/png/pkg/squoosh_png.js",
oxipngEncJs: "/codecs/oxipng/pkg/squoosh_oxipng.js",
squooshPngBgWasm: "/codecs/png/pkg/squoosh_png_bg.wasm",
squooshOxipngBgWasm: "/codecs/oxipng/pkg/squoosh_oxipng_bg.wasm"
// Call function to encode image return is base64 format
const result = await encodeOnixPng(image, options);
const degree = 90
// Call function to encode image return is base64 format
const result = await rotateImage(image, degree);
const outputWidth = 300
const outputHeight = 300
const options = {
method: 3, // triangle = 0, catrom = 1, mitchell = 2, lanczos3 = 3
fitMethod: 'stretch',
premultiply: true,
linearRGB: true,
module: {
squooshResizeJs: "/codecs/resize/pkg/squoosh_resize.js",
squooshResizeBgWasm: "/codecs/resize/pkg/squoosh_resize_bg.wasm"
const aspectRatio = true
// Call function to encode image return is base64 format
const result = await resizeImage(image, outputWidth, outputHeight, options, aspectRatio)
const options = {
factor: 2,
module: {
squooshhqxJs: "/codecs/hqx/pkg/squooshhqx.js",
squooshhqxBgWasm: "/codecs/hqx/pkg/squooshhqx_bg.wasm"
const result = await resizePixelImage(image, options)
const options = {
numColors: 255,
dither: 1.0,
module: {
imagequantJs: "/codecs/imagequant/imagequant.js"
const result = await quantizeImage(image, options)
*** Browser Not Support yet ***
const options = {
quality: 75,
alpha_quality: 75,
effort: 5,
pass: 1,
sns: 50,
uv_mode: 0 /*UVMode.UVModeAuto*/,
csp_type: 0 /*Csp.kYCoCg*/,
error_diffusion: 0,
use_random_matrix: false,
module: {
wp2EncJs : "/codecs/wp2/enc/wp2_enc.js"
const result = await encodeWebP2(image, options)
const options = {
speed: 4,
quality: 75,
progressive: false,
epf: -1,
nearLossless: 0,
lossyPalette: false,
module: {
jxlEncJs: "/codecs/jxl/enc/jxl_enc.js"
const result = await encodeJxl(image, options)
- Support Web Worker (Not check yet)