This repository contains scripts used to archive specific software projects as git repos. It reconstructs revision histories from webpages, prunes large repos, merges repos, cleans revision histories, and migrates from other version control systems.
Most of these scripts are to archive Whitespace projects for the Whitespace Corpus. It also notably reconstructs a revision history for the MT19937 Mersenne Twister PRNG from disparate, early files, and publishes the source for the HaPyLi and CyBF compilers.
- mt19937 [sh]
- wspace/arnauld-javascript - TODO
- wspace/edwinb-wspace [sh] - WIP
- wspace/kevincruijssen-codegolf [sh] - WIP
- wspace/lmitchell-elisp - TODO
- wspace/meth0dz-c - TODO automate
- wspace/mrbubble-markov [sh]
- wspace/mkoelbl-perl [sh]
- wspace/peasley-cpp - TODO automate
- wspace/progopedia [sh] - TODO add all Whitespace pages
- wspace/rosettacode - TODO
- wspace/smithers888-bluespace [sh]
- wspace/stephenchappell-python [sh]
- wspace/tetris [sh]
- wspace/wconrad-ruby [sh]
- antirez-visitors [sh]
- cs236-datalog [sh]
- lwall/patch [sh]
- lwall/rn [sh]
- minecraft-papercraft-pig [sh]
- ms-dos [sh] - WIP
- nand2tetris [sh] - WIP
- ncsa-httpd [sh]
- ncsa-mosaic [sh]
- netscape-3.02 [sh]
- regexp/decus-grep [sh] - WIP
- snippets [sh] - WIP
- software-foundations [sh] - WIP
- sortle [sh]
- wspace/burghard-wsa [sh]
- wspace/burghard-wsintercpp [sh]
- wspace/burghard-wsinterws [sh]
- wspace/nutcrack-whiteplanes [sh]
- wspace/phlip-pywhitespace - TODO automate
- wspace/res0001-trans32 [sh]
- wspace/stellwag-wspacegen [sh]
- wspace/stribb-debian [sh]
- zeus [sh] - WIP
- regexp/autohotkey-pcre [sh]
- regexp/plan9 [sh]
- regexp/plan9port [sh]
- regexp/python [sh]
- regexp/antirez-jim [sh]
- regexp/antirez-stringmatch [sh]
- regexp/serenityos [sh]
- sea-of-nodes-linear [sh]
- wspace/0x0dea-lolcode [sh]
- wspace/aniket965-hacktoberfest [sh]
- wspace/emilbahnsen-assembler [sh]
- wspace/hogelog-c [sh]
- wspace/omurakazuaki-rust [sh]
- wspace/qeedquan-go [sh]
- wspace/shimo-yukicoder [sh]
- wspace/wysang-java [sh]
- Andreal2000/WhitespaceEvaluator [sh]
- hostilefork/rebol-whitespacers [post] - with manual rebasing
- inferno [sh]
- plan9port-graft [sh] - manual
- quine-relay-spoiler [sh]
- regexp/avmplus-pcre [sh]
- regexp/avmplus-pcre2 [sh]
- regexp/tamarin-pcre [sh]
- wspace/0qol-prime [sh] - with manual rewording
- wspace/ilikepython256-whitespace-unc [sh] - with manual rebasing
- wspace/keens-whitelie [sh] - with manual rebasing
- wspace/kspalaiologos-recreational [dir]
- wspace/pik4ez-ascii [sh] - with manual squashing
- wspace/programs [sh] - TODO collect programs from originating projects
- wspace/ytaka23-whitespace [sh]
- foones-cratylus [sh]
- foones-eightfold [sh]
- minecraft/immibis-bearded-octo-nemesis [sh]
- unity-termsofservice [sh]
- wspace/lifthrasiir-esotope [sh]
- wspace/lifthrasiir-esotope-ws [sh]
- wspace/nutcrack-whiteplanes.cs [sh]
- wspace/nutcrack-whiteplanes.fs [sh]
- wspace/nutcrack-whiteplanes.jl [sh]
- wspace/nutcrack-whiteplanes.js [sh]
- wspace/nutcrack-whiteplanes.php [sh]
- wspace/ [sh]
- wspace/nutcrack-whiteplanes.r [sh]
- wspace/nutcrack-whiteplanes.rb [sh]
- wspace/nutcrack-whiteplanes.swift [sh]
- wspace/ [sh]
- wspace/qeedquan-go [sh] - WIP
- wspace/remigascou-c [sh]
- minecraft/cuchaz-mappings [sh]
- regexp/re1 [sh]
- tamarin-redux [sh]
- cybis/cybf [sh]
- wspace/bearice-grassmudhorse [sh] - TODO include wiki and forks
- wspace/cybis-hapyli [sh]
- wspace/kreutzer-spacedide [sh] - TODO include SourceForge README
- wspace/marktraceur-redlandside [sh]
- wspace/mash-whitespacesdk [sh]
- wspace/nicolasff-spacesharp - TODO convert SVN and join with git