Make your code more readable by making the functions work in harmony with each other.
- Provides an interface to write code in a more granular format.
- Allows the sharing of resources between various worker functions to reduce duplicate data fetching or generating.
npm install code-harmony
// this is an example of a context creating function
// can be any asynchronous call which
// resolves with an object containing data
// the data is then populated in the context object
// which is available to the worker functions
function fetchUserData(subscribedData) {
const user = await fetchUserFromDB();
return Promise.resolve({ userId: });
// this is an example of a worker function
function applyOfferA(subscribedData, context) {
console.log(context) // -> { userId: 1234 }
return Promise.resolve();
const CodeHarmony = require('code-harmony');
new CodeHarmony(subscribedData)
.serially(applyOfferA, applyOfferB)
.parallelly(emailInvoice, smsInvoice)
.then() // resolves when all the tasks finishes
.catch(logger.error); // action can be taken on any error here