Go language interface to the Ether Dream laser DAC. Current features: blanking, basic path optimization, quality (trade resolution for frame rate) and 3D scene rendering via ln. For an introduction to laser projectors and programming, see: Laser Hack 101 presentation slides.
Based on the work of j4cbo, echelon and fogleman
- projector/scanner - An ILDA compatible laser projector aka laser scanner. 2 (or more) mirrors, 2 galvos, some laser diodes and electronics. Not to be confused with the other kind of laser projector.
- DAC - Digital to Analog Converter. An electronic box that translates digital signals from a computer into analog signals that control the galvos via an IDLA cable. There are proprietary and open source DACs, as well as modified sound cards used as DACs. In this context, it means your Ether Dream(s).
This assumes you are plugged in to your ether dream via ethernet cable. You may need to set up some rules for your firewall. Inbound communications are needed for the initial broadcast signal and handshake, if you don't need to Find a DAC, you can use outbound only.
- Outbound rule: TCP port 7765
- Inbound rule: UDP port 7654
The simplest setup involves one DAC and one projector, but there are many options.
- Multiple projectors chained off one DAC signal
- Multiple projectors chained off one DAC signal, including use of a cross-over ILDA cable to mirror left/right on one side of the room.
- Multiple projectors each with their own DAC. This offers independent control over each projector. If calibrated in a stack, can be used to create complex imagery.
If you don't have Go installed, start here: https://golang.org/doc/install
Once Go is installed with your environment updated, just:
go get github.com/tgreiser/etherdream
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/tgreiser/etherdream
You can run any of the examples like:
go run examples/square/square.go
# if you aren't blocking the network ports, and your Ether Dream
# is connected to an ILDA laser, it should project a square
If you have opened the necessary ports, the Ether Dream will broadcast it's identity on the network. Once you have connected, you can provide a PointStream to play.
func main() {
addr, bp, err := etherdream.FindFirstDAC()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Network error: %v", err)
log.Printf("Found DAC at %v\n", addr)
log.Printf("BP: %v\n\n", bp)
dac, err := etherdream.NewDAC(addr.IP.String())
if err != nil {
defer dac.Close()
log.Printf("Initialized: %v\n\n", dac.LastStatus)
log.Printf("Firmware String: %v\n\n", dac.FirmwareString)
type PointStream func(w io.WriteCloser)
Point streams should contain an infinite loop that will use the WriteCloser interface to output encoded points to the DAC sequentially. In Ether Dream, a point has 2D vector information and a color (see: image/color).
// make a red point at X=0, Y=300
pt := etherdream.NewPoint(0, 300, color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff})
// Encode the point to bytes
by := pt.Encode()
// Stream the encoded points to the DAC
From examples\square\square.go:
func main() {
debug := false
dac.Play(squarePointStream, debug)
func squarePointStream(w io.WriteCloser) {
defer w.Close()
pmax := 15600
pstep := 100
for {
for _, x := range xrange(-pmax, pmax, pstep) {
w.Write(etherdream.NewPoint(x, pmax, color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff}).Encode())
for _, y := range xrange(pmax, -pmax, -pstep) {
w.Write(etherdream.NewPoint(pmax, y, color.RGBA{0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff}).Encode())
for _, x := range xrange(pmax, -pmax, -pstep) {
w.Write(etherdream.NewPoint(x, -pmax, color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff}).Encode())
for _, y := range xrange(-pmax, pmax, pstep) {
w.Write(etherdream.NewPoint(-pmax, y, color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}).Encode())
func xrange(min, max, step int) []int {
rng := max - min
ret := make([]int, rng/step+1)
iY := 0
for iX := min; rlogic(min, max, iX); iX += step {
ret[iY] = iX
return ret
func rlogic(min, max, iX int) bool {
if min < max {
return iX <= max
return iX >= max
Etherdream library will intialize the following flags - use -help for more info:
-blank-count int
How many samples to wait after drawing a blanking line. (default 20)
Enable debug output.
-draw-speed float
Draw speed (25-100). Lower is more precision but slower. (default 50)
-scan-rate int
Number of points per second to play back. (default 24000)
Here we introduce the use of tgreiser/ln, a fork of Fogleman's excellent ln 3D vector library. Blanking is used to reposition the laser to a new location, it involves turning off the beam, repositioning and then a pause. The exact pause necessary to clean up an image can vary from projector to projector so this can be easily configured. I am using the methodology outlined in Accurate and Efficient Drawing Method for Laser Projection
If you just want to configure your projector, use examples\parallel_lines\lines.go
go run examples\parallel_lines\lines.go -blank-count=5
# Without sufficient post-blank-count, it produce diagonal lines that cut across most of the image.
go run examples\parallel_lines\lines.go -blank-count=17
# These settings look pretty good on my 30 KPPS projectors. You can still see a small flaw at 17.
// declare some ln Paths
p := ln.Path{ln.Vector{0, 0, 0}, ln.Vector{0, 500, 0}}
p2 := ln.Path{ln.Vector{10000, 0, 0}, ln.Vector{10000, 500, 0}}
// draw speed 0 will use defaults
speed := 0
// in the draw loop
for {
// draw the first path
etherdream.DrawPath(w, p, c, speed)
// use ln Vector.Distance to see if a blank is necessary
if p2[0].Distance(p[1]) > 0 {
// blank from p endpoint to p2 startpoint
etherdream.BlankPath(w, ln.Path{p[1], p2[0]})
// draw p2
etherdream.DrawPath(w, p2, c, speed)
if p2[1].Distance(p[0]) > 0 {
blank from p2 endbpoint back to original start
etherdream.BlankPath(w, ln.Path{p2[1], p[0]})
If you are interested in animations, the driver is more precise when you signal the end of a frame in your pointStream. This will flush the buffer and send the frame to the Ether Dream. Currently this is controlled via NextFrame(), but this portion is in active development.
func pointStream(w io.WriteCloser) {
defer w.Close()
for {
// write all the points in a frame
// count how many, and save the last point
frameCount := etherdream.NextFrame(w, pointCount, lastPoint)
Using this we can draw a scene. See: https://github.com/tgreiser/simpartdream
ln can also help you with 3D rendering and transformation. You can position 3D primitives within a scene, render those to paths, optimize the order of the paths and then send the result to the projector. See examples\ln1\ln1.go. Aside from the base ln functionality, the one thing to be aware of here is paths.Optimize - without it the ln output creates many unnessesary blank lines.
// render our scene to paths
paths := scene.Render(eye, center, up, width, height, fovy, znear, zfar, step)
// reorder the paths for optimized output
// now we can draw all our paths with the laser
When a frame takes too long to draw you will see the output flicker. We can adjust the amount of time we take to draw a path to trade precision for frame rate. This gives you a little more control over the perceived quality of your laser output.
go run examples\ln2\ln2.go
# the default draw speed 50 doesn't look very good. Severe flicker.
go run examples\ln2\ln2.go -draw-speed 80
# when I increase the draw speed some distortion appears on the corners, but flicker is almost entirely eliminated.
- Instead of draw speed, render a frame from vectors according with optimum sample count.
- Optimization - slow down prior to to sharp angles of movement.
- Import of SVG/ILDA files.