An Alpine based docker image containing a combination of commenly used tools to build, package a docker image, login and push to AWS ECR, AWS authentication and do Kubernetes stuff.
The image is mainly used as a builder images while creating CICD pipelines.
Automated built docker images are provided at
Tool | Version | Description |
Docker Engine | 18.06 | Docker image containing docker engine to offer Docker inside Docker (DinD) |
AWS CLI | 1.16.210 | AWS commandline tools for managing simple infrastructure tasks |
Python | 3.6.6 | Usefull scripting language and also a common rerequisite for many other tools |
Pip | 18.1 | Python package manager used to install many libraries and other tools i.e. aws-cli |
cUrl | 7.61.1 | Commandline professional http(s) client tool |
Bash | 4.4.19 | Advanced linux shell |
Envsubst | 1.1.0 | Simple tool to substitute template files with matching Environment Variables values |
git | 2.18.1 | World's most popular version control tool |
plus additional tools (depends on branch)
Master branch may not be stable all the time due to ongoing development activitites. Therefore it is recommended to use branches that are bound to fixed versions of the tools.
docker pull tgip/builder-image:k8s1.13.7-helm2.11.0-docker18.06
- kubectl 1.13.7 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.13.7
- Helm 2.11.0 with helm S3 plugin
- Docker CLI 18.06
docker pull tgip/builder-image:k8s1.11.9-helm2.11.0-docker18.06
- kubectl 1.11.9 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.11.9
- Helm 2.11.0 with helm S3 plugin
- Docker CLI 18.06
docker pull tgip/builder-image:k8s1.11.5-helm2.11.0-docker18.06
- kubectl 1.11.5 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.11.5
- Helm 2.11.0 with helm S3 plugin
- Docker CLI 18.06
docker pull tgip/builder-image:k8s1.10.11-helm2.10.0-docker18.06
- kubectl 1.10.3 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.10.3
- Helm 2.10.0 with helm S3 plugin
- Docker CLI 18.06