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Tags: tgaillar/OpenSSL-Updater



v0.9.8-6: Reset error indicator in post-install script when MD5 sum c…

…hecks have failed and FORCE_INSTALL=1, or the backup operation will just stupidly fail...


v0.9.8-5: Forcing update installation for now (it looks like some dev…

…ices -- 3.0.[45] TP -- have discrepancies between installed OpenSSL files and their reference checksum in /md5sums.gz, an OTA issue???)


v0.9.8-4: Latest OpenSSL release (OpenSSL 0.9.8zg 11 Jun 2015) with s…

…ha256WithRSAEncryption digest capability (needed for GMAIL and a few others so Root CA can be digested -- again!), libssl updated with reverse-engineered patch to match (one of never published) HP/Palm patch (at least for mojomail-eas so it can validate certificates)


v0.9.8-3: Original OpenSSL release for webOS 2.x/3.x devices (OpenSSL…

… 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009) with libssl reverse-engineered patch to match (one of never published) HP/Palm delivered version, a proof-of-concept to demonstrate mojomail-eas can validate certificates (Exchange Active Sync), There is also provision for implementing EAP-FAST (possibly needed for Cisco VPN, patch provided but not activated, not tested so far), All reverse-engineering data provided (performed on libssl/SSL_CTX_new())


v0.9.8-2: Original OpenSSL release for webOS 2.x/3.x devices (OpenSSL…

… 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009), only to demonstrate absence of (never published) HP/Palm patch, needed at least so mojomail-eas can validate certificates (Exchange Active Sync)


v0.9.8-1: Original OpenSSL release for webOS 1.4.x devices (OpenSSL 0…

….9.8j 07 Jan 2009), for future investigation work in case of missing/unpublished Palm patch