The code is to be used with an Arduino and the Adafruit Motor Shield. This library was made for New York University's Tandon School of Engineering Introduction to Engineering & Design (EG1003), to be used when completing Robotics projects using VEX structural components. This is a compilation of various libraries from third-parties as well as a new library made in-house to easily interact with the Arduino Uno and Adafruit Motor Shield used in these robotics projects. Full documentation for this library can be found here
- Adafruit_Motor_Shield_V2_Library
- Adafruit Library for the motor shield, unedited
- I2Cdev
- Third party library for I2C communication, unedited
- MPU6050
- Edited third party library for the MPU6050 gyro
- Vex
- Main library for the VEX robots
The third party libraries, along with additional implementations in the main VEX library enable Arduino to interact with the following sensors:
- Gyro Sensor (MPU6050)
- Ultrasonic Sensor (VEX brand & HC-SR04)
- Touch Sensors (VEX Brand & Capacitive Touch Sensors TTP223B)
- IR Range Sensor (EK1254)