Small graphic library for specific purpose: to generate stage projections in stained glass style.
Deeply work in progress.
make engine- output via drawbot
- render: make outline width relative to q
- render: separate given img and generated one
- utils: implement normalize sequence function
It's take a simple scenario, like this:
scenario = (
(((0, 0), (0, 30)), knob, ('k1', 0)),
(((0, 30), (0, 50)), knob, ('k1', 0, 100)),
(((0, 50), (0, 80)), knob, ('k1', 100, 0)),
(((0, 0), (0, 100)), add, ('sheep1', sheep, (300, (500,500), 'k1'))),
Here we have a knob, which is set to 0 for first 30 frames, then knob's value grows to 100 from frame 30 to frame 50, then fall backward to zero from 50 to 80. And we place in frame a sheep primitive with scale 300, pivot point (500, 500) and our knob as a phase.
Now we can render scenario:
engine( scenario, 1, ('PIL', (1000, 1000), 1.5), ('cathedral/', 'test.gif'))
And the result: