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 /$$$$$$$$                  /$$                                                       
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|__/     |__/       \______/    \___/   \______/  \_______/ \______/ |__/             


At HotChips 2024, Tesla announced the open-sourcing of the Tesla Transport Protocol over Ethernet (TTPoE), represented on this GitHub repo.

Tesla also announced joining the Ultra Ethernet Consortium (UEC) to share this protocol and work to standardize a new high-speed/low-latency fabric (be that TTPoE or otherwise) for AI/ML/Datacenters -- desiring a non-proprietary, low cost, distributed congestion control, standard EthernetII frame, and non-centralized interconnect protocol to commoditize and accelerate technical progress.

In TTPoE, just like TCP, dropped packets and replays are the acceptable default behavior, yet full transmission is guaranteed.

TTPoE's initial deployment was for the Tesla Dojo v1 project, where the protocol executed entirely in hardware and deployed to a very large multi-ExaFlops (fp16) supercomputer with over 10s of thousands of concurrent endpoints. This protocol does not need a CPU or OS to be involved in any way to link and execute.

If you came here to be impressed by something complex and clever, you won't be. The protocol is designed on basic fundamentals -- simple transport and to the point. Ethernet transport in essence is only intended to move data from point A to B and should be limited by physics -- not software execution time. Centralized congestion management of extremely large scale machines (just like the internet) is a fool's errand -- each endpoint should be resiliant and self-managing.

Eric Quinnell -- Sept 13, 2024

TTPoE Transport Header

/* Transport Header (TTP) that follows TSH
*  15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
* |         opcode [7:0]          |             vc [7:0]          |
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
* |             tx [7:0]          |             rx [7:0]          |
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
* |                          epoch [15:0]                         |
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
* |         congestion [7:0]      |      reserved-byte [7:0]      |
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
* |      reserved-byte [7:0]      |          extension [7:0]      |
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
* |                       tx-sequence [31:0]                      |
* |                                                               |
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
* |                       rx-sequence [31:0]                      |
* |                                                               |
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

TTPoE Specification

You will find the spec
In the repo "doc" folder


The following sections have details regarding making and executing the reference linux kernel sw model. It is matched to v1.5 of the TTP specification. Some variables may have changed slightly without documentation updates, but we're sure you can figure it out.

TTP Kernel Module (modttpoe.ko):

GIT repo info and unit tests

The source code git repo is at The code for modttpoe is under the 'modttpoe' subdir. The compilation is controlled via a top level Makefile in order to allow related modules to share symbols. Compilation is done as follows (gcc, linux-5.15-0-48-generic, ubuntu22):

$ pwd

$ make all
.... <compilation output> ....
$ ls -l ./modttpoe/modttpoe.ko
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user group 3456000 Jan  1 10:00 modttpoe/modttpoe.ko

$ modinfo ./modttpoe/modttpoe.ko
filename:       /home/dojo-user/work/git/tesla/ttpoe_sw/modttpoe/modttpoe.ko
license:        GPL
version:        1.0
description:    TTP Over Ethernet
author:         [email protected]
srcversion:     547796AAC2C633E730FAF4F
retpoline:      Y
name:           modttpoe
vermagic:       6.11.0-9-generic SMP preempt mod_unload modversions
parm:           dev:      ttp device name (required at module-load)
parm:           dest_mac: ttp destination mac-address: e.g. dest_mac=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
parm:           valid:    target is valid (default=0, or 1)
parm:           vci:      ttp conn-VCI (default=0, 1, 2)
parm:           use_gw:   use gateway to reach target (default=0, or 1)
parm:           nhmac:    next-hop mac address (format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
parm:           ipv4:     encap mode for TTP: 0 = TTPoE, 1 = TTPoIPv4 (read-only)
parm:           prefix:   ipv4 prefix: (A.B.C.D/N)
parm:           ipv4_sip: ipv4 src-ip: (A.B.C.D)
parm:           ipv4_dip: ipv4 dst-ip: (A.B.C.D)
parm:           verbose:  kernel log verbosity level (default=(-1), 0, 1, 2, 3)
parm:           drop_pct: packet drop percent (default=(0), [0:10])
parm:           shutdown: modttpoe shutdown state
parm:           stats:    ttp counters (read-only)
parm:           target:   ttp debug target (24b hex value: e.g. target=012345 => [oui]:01:23:45)
parm:           tag_seq:  starting value of tag seq number (default=1)
parm:           wkstep:   ttp fsm single-step state (default=0)
                          write '0' run freely; '[1-100]' set step-size; 's' step

The repo includes a script with unit tests under the 'tests' directory, using the python unit_test framework. These tests use the 'noc_debug' interface to configure and test a set of basic functionality to serve as a suite of regression tests to run before making any changes to the source code, and when adding enhancements. It is recommended to enhance the tests when new features are added to 'modttpoe'. In additional a packet generation utility called 'trafgen' (which is part of the tooklit) it used to some inject custom TTP packets to validate the behavior of the TTP state machine functionality.

Here is an example TTP session between two hosts: node-01 and node-02:


$ sudo insmod modttpoe.ko dev=veth verbose=2

$ sudo dmesg -tw
ttpoe_init: ttp-source:00:00:00:00:00:01 mytag:[0x0000000100000001]
       dev:veth nhmac:98:ed:5c:ff:ff:ff ipv4:0
-------------------- Module modttpoe.ko loaded --------------------+

$ echo 2 > /sys/module/modttpoe/parameters/target

$ cat /proc/net/modttpoe/tags
Tag V B VC  ST  Q X Y    mac-addr gw   rx-seq   tx-seq   ret-id   #op/nl   ------ kid -------
  2 1 0  0  OS  0 0 0    00:00:02  0        1        2        1       29   0x0000000200000002


$ sudo insmod modttpoe.ko dev=veth verbose=2

$ sudo dmesg -tw
ttpoe_init: ttp-source:98:ed:5c:00:00:02 mytag:[0x0000000200000002]
       dev:veth nhmac:98:ed:5c:ff:ff:ff ipv4:0
-------------------- Module modttpoe.ko loaded --------------------+

$ cat /proc/net/modttpoe/tags
Tag V B VC  ST  Q X Y    mac-addr gw   rx-seq   tx-seq   ret-id   #op/nl   ------ kid -------
  1 1 0  0  OP  0 0 0    00:00:01  0        1        2        1        0   0x0000000100000001

$ cat /proc/net/modttpoe/ev_log
6  off  file:line             age   vc  tag  B  state/action  event-name      opcode-name     response  dir  len  rx-seq  tx-seq     next-state  next-sef              kid.idx
0  5    modttpoe/fsm.c:116    0     -   -    -  L_^##         TTP_LINK_UP     __int_/_none__  -         ..^  0    1       0          -           -                     0x0000000100000001.1  0
1  4    modttpoe/fsm.c:325    0     -   -    -  <<<<<         NETWORK_PKT_TX  TTP_OPEN_ACK    -         <tx  0    1       -1         -           -                     0x0000000100000001.1  0
2  3    modttpoe/tags.c:703   0     0   1    0  OPEN_RECD     int__ALLOC_TAG  TTP_OPEN_ACK    OPEN_ACK  0    1    -1      OPEN       CHECK_NOC   0x0000000100000001.1  0
3  2    modttpoe/tags.c:703   0     0   0    0  CLOSED        RXQ__TTP_OPEN   __int_/_none__  __none__  0    1    1       OPEN_RECD  TAG_ALLOC   0x0000000100000001.0  0
4  1    modttpoe/ttpoe.c:435  0     -   -    -  >>>>>         NETWORK_PKT_RX  TTP_OPEN        -         >rx  0    1       1          -           -                     0x0000000100000001.0  0
5  0    modttpoe/ttpoe.c:781  5341  -   -    -  __up-         TTP_INIT        __int_/_none__  -         .'.  0    -1      -1         -           -                     0x0000000000000000.0  0


$ cat /proc/net/modttpoe/ev_log
8  off  file:line             age    vc  tag  B  state/action  event-name         opcode-name     response  dir  len  rx-seq  tx-seq     next-state  next-sef              kid.idx
0  7    modttpoe/fsm.c:116    0      -   -    -  L_^##         TTP_LINK_UP        __int_/_none__  -         ..^  0    1       0          -           -                     0x0000000200000002.1  0
1  6    modttpoe/fsm.c:745    0      -   -    -  !x___         TIMER_DELETE       TTP_OPEN_ACK    -         x!   0    1       -1         -           -                     0x0000000200000002.1  0
2  5    modttpoe/tags.c:703   0      0   2    0  OPEN_SENT     RXQ__TTP_OPEN_ACK  __int_/_none__  __none__  0    1    0       OPEN       CHECK_NOC   0x0000000200000002.1  0
3  4    modttpoe/ttpoe.c:435  0      -   -    -  >>>>>         NETWORK_PKT_RX     TTP_OPEN_ACK    -         >rx  0    1       -1         -           -                     0x0000000200000002.1  0
4  3    modttpoe/fsm.c:143    0      -   -    -  !S_-_         SHORT_TMR_START    __int_/_none__  -         _!   0    1       1          -           -                     0x0000000200000002.0  0
5  2    modttpoe/fsm.c:360    0      -   -    -  <<<<<         NETWORK_PKT_TX     TTP_OPEN        -         <tx  0    1       1          -           -                     0x0000000200000002.0  0
6  1    modttpoe/tags.c:703   0      0   2    0  CLOSED        TXQ__TTP_OPEN      TTP_OPEN        OPEN      0    0    0       OPEN_SENT  OPEN_TIMER  0x0000000200000002.0  0
7  0    modttpoe/ttpoe.c:781  37878  -   -    -  __up-         TTP_INIT           __int_/_none__  -         .'.  0    -1      -1         -           -                     0x0000000000000000.0  0

$ echo 'Hello Tesla' > /dev/noc_debug

$ cat /proc/net/modttpoe/tags
Tag V B VC  ST  Q X Y    mac-addr gw   rx-seq   tx-seq   ret-id   #op/nl   ------ kid -------
  2 1 0  0  OP  0 0 0    00:00:02  0        1        3        2      248   0x0000000200000002

$ cat /proc/net/modttpoe/ev_log
17  off  file:line             age     vc  tag  B  state/action  event-name         opcode-name     response  dir  len  rx-seq  tx-seq     next-state  next-sef              kid.idx
0   16   modttpoe/fsm.c:789    0       -   -    -  -free         NOC_PAYLOAD_FREE   TTP_ACK         -         -fr  0    0       -1         -           -                     0x0000000200000002.2  1
1   15   modttpoe/fsm.c:767    0       -   -    -  !x___         TIMER_DELETE       TTP_ACK         -         x!   0    2       -1         -           -                     0x0000000200000002.4  0
2   14   modttpoe/tags.c:703   0       0   2    0  OPEN          RXQ__TTP_ACK       __int_/_none__  __none__  0    2    0       __stay__   __none__    0x0000000200000002.4  0
3   13   modttpoe/ttpoe.c:435  0       -   -    -  >>>>>         NETWORK_PKT_RX     TTP_ACK         -         >rx  0    2       -1         -           -                     0x0000000200000002.4  0
4   12   modttpoe/fsm.c:611    0       -   -    -  !L_-_         LONG_TMR_START     __int_/_none__  -         !!   0    0       2          -           -                     0x0000000200000002.3  0
5   11   modttpoe/fsm.c:601    0       -   -    -  <<<<<         NETWORK_PKT_TX     TTP_PAYLOAD     -         <tx  12   0       2          -           -                     0x0000000200000002.3  0
6   10   modttpoe/tags.c:703   0       0   2    0  OPEN          TXQ__TTP_PAYLOAD   TTP_PAYLOAD     PAYLOAD   12   0    2       __stay__   __none__    0x0000000200000002.3  2
7   9    modttpoe/tags.c:1056  0       -   -    -  <<-vv         NOC_PAYLOAD_ENQ    TTP_PAYLOAD     -         -vv  12   0       2          -           -                     0x0000000200000002.2  1
8   8    modttpoe/noc.c:256    0       -   -    -  vvvvv         NOC_PAYLOAD_TX     TTP_PAYLOAD     -         -tx  12   0       0          -           -                     0x0000000200000002.2  1
9   7    modttpoe/fsm.c:116    188553  -   -    -  L_^##         TTP_LINK_UP        __int_/_none__  -         ..^  0    1       0          -           -                     0x0000000200000002.1  0
10  6    modttpoe/fsm.c:745    0       -   -    -  !x___         TIMER_DELETE       TTP_OPEN_ACK    -         x!   0    1       -1         -           -                     0x0000000200000002.1  0
11  5    modttpoe/tags.c:703   0       0   2    0  OPEN_SENT     RXQ__TTP_OPEN_ACK  __int_/_none__  __none__  0    1    0       OPEN       CHECK_NOC   0x0000000200000002.1  0
12  4    modttpoe/ttpoe.c:435  0       -   -    -  >>>>>         NETWORK_PKT_RX     TTP_OPEN_ACK    -         >rx  0    1       -1         -           -                     0x0000000200000002.1  0
13  3    modttpoe/fsm.c:143    0       -   -    -  !S_-_         SHORT_TMR_START    __int_/_none__  -         _!   0    1       1          -           -                     0x0000000200000002.0  0
14  2    modttpoe/fsm.c:360    0       -   -    -  <<<<<         NETWORK_PKT_TX     TTP_OPEN        -         <tx  0    1       1          -           -                     0x0000000200000002.0  0
15  1    modttpoe/tags.c:703   0       0   2    0  CLOSED        TXQ__TTP_OPEN      TTP_OPEN        OPEN      0    0    0       OPEN_SENT  OPEN_TIMER  0x0000000200000002.0  0
16  0    modttpoe/ttpoe.c:781  37878   -   -    -  __up-         TTP_INIT           __int_/_none__  -         .'.  0    -1      -1         -           -                     0x0000000000000000.0  0


$ cat /proc/net/modttpoe/tags
Tag V B VC  ST  Q X Y    mac-addr gw   rx-seq   tx-seq   ret-id   #op/nl   ------ kid -------
  1 1 0  0  OP  0 0 0    00:00:01  0        2        2        1        0   0x0000000100000001

$ cat /dev/noc_debug
Hello Tesla

$ cat /proc/net/modttpoe/ev_log
10  off  file:line             age     vc  tag  B  state/action  event-name        opcode-name     response  dir  len  rx-seq  tx-seq     next-state  next-sef              kid.idx
0   9    modttpoe/fsm.c:544    0       -   -    -  <<<<<         NETWORK_PKT_TX    TTP_ACK         -         <tx  0    2       -1         -           -                     0x0000000100000001.2  0
1   8    modttpoe/fsm.c:500    0       -   -    -  ^^^^^         NOC_PAYLOAD_RX    TTP_ACK         -         -rx  0    0       -1         -           -                     0x0000000100000001.2  0
2   7    modttpoe/tags.c:703   0       0   1    0  OPEN          RXQ__TTP_PAYLOAD  TTP_ACK         ACK       0    0    -1      __stay__   __none__    0x0000000100000001.2  0
3   6    modttpoe/ttpoe.c:435  0       -   -    -  >>>>>         NETWORK_PKT_RX    TTP_PAYLOAD     -         >rx  12   0       2          -           -                     0x0000000100000001.2  0
4   5    modttpoe/fsm.c:116    188552  -   -    -  L_^##         TTP_LINK_UP       __int_/_none__  -         ..^  0    1       0          -           -                     0x0000000100000001.1  0
5   4    modttpoe/fsm.c:325    0       -   -    -  <<<<<         NETWORK_PKT_TX    TTP_OPEN_ACK    -         <tx  0    1       -1         -           -                     0x0000000100000001.1  0
6   3    modttpoe/tags.c:703   0       0   1    0  OPEN_RECD     int__ALLOC_TAG    TTP_OPEN_ACK    OPEN_ACK  0    1    -1      OPEN       CHECK_NOC   0x0000000100000001.1  0
7   2    modttpoe/tags.c:703   0       0   0    0  CLOSED        RXQ__TTP_OPEN     __int_/_none__  __none__  0    1    1       OPEN_RECD  TAG_ALLOC   0x0000000100000001.0  0
8   1    modttpoe/ttpoe.c:435  0       -   -    -  >>>>>         NETWORK_PKT_RX    TTP_OPEN        -         >rx  0    1       1          -           -                     0x0000000100000001.0  0
9   0    modttpoe/ttpoe.c:781  5341    -   -    -  __up-         TTP_INIT          __int_/_none__  -         .'.  0    -1      -1         -           -                     0x0000000000000000.0  0

Built-in unit-tests for modttpoe:

$ ./tests/ --target=2 -v
 Start tests: 2024-10-10 10:00:00.000000
   TTP Encap: ttpoe (etype: 0x9ac6)
    Self MAC: 98:ed:5c:00:00:01
 Self Target: 000001
   Self Host: node-01
    Peer MAC: 98:ed:5c:00:00:02
 Peer Target: 000002
   Peer Host: node-02
 Use Gateway: False
test1_seq_clr (__main__.Test0_Seq_IDs.test1_seq_clr) ... ok
test2_tx1_seq (__main__.Test0_Seq_IDs.test2_tx1_seq) ... ok
test3_rx1_seq (__main__.Test0_Seq_IDs.test3_rx1_seq) ... ok
test4_tx2_seq (__main__.Test0_Seq_IDs.test4_tx2_seq) ... ok
test1_proc_stats (__main__.Test1_Proc.test1_proc_stats) ... ok
test2_ttpoe_tags (__main__.Test1_Proc.test2_ttpoe_tags) ... ok
test3_debug__500 (__main__.Test1_Proc.test3_debug__500) ... ok
test4_debug_1000 (__main__.Test1_Proc.test4_debug_1000) ... ok
test5_debug_2000 (__main__.Test1_Proc.test5_debug_2000) ... ok
test6_debug_3000 (__main__.Test1_Proc.test6_debug_3000) ... ok
test7_debug_4000 (__main__.Test1_Proc.test7_debug_4000) ... ok
test1_get_open (__main__.Test2_Packet.test1_get_open) ... ok
test2_snd_open (__main__.Test2_Packet.test2_snd_open) ... ok
test3_get_pyld (__main__.Test2_Packet.test3_get_pyld) ... ok
test4_snd_pyld (__main__.Test2_Packet.test4_snd_pyld) ... ok
test5_get_clos (__main__.Test2_Packet.test5_get_clos) ... ok
test6_snd_clos (__main__.Test2_Packet.test6_snd_clos) ... ok
test1_show_tag (__main__.Test3_Noc_db.test1_show_tag) ... ok
test2_show_dbg (__main__.Test3_Noc_db.test2_show_dbg) ... ok
test1_traffic (__main__.Test4_Traffic.test1_traffic) ... ok
test2_traffic (__main__.Test4_Traffic.test2_traffic) ... ok
test3_traffic (__main__.Test4_Traffic.test3_traffic) ... ok
test4_traffic (__main__.Test4_Traffic.test4_traffic) ... ok
test5_traffic (__main__.Test4_Traffic.test5_traffic) ... ok
test1_cleanup (__main__.Test5_Cleanup.test1_cleanup) ... ok
test2_cleanup (__main__.Test5_Cleanup.test2_cleanup) ... ok
test3_cleanup (__main__.Test5_Cleanup.test3_cleanup) ... ok

Ran 27 tests in 14.301s


TTP Gateway Module (modttpip.ko):

Currently there are no unit-tests for the TTP gateway. The module 'modttpip' has configuration parameters, some of which must be specified on the command line during insmod:

$ modinfo modttpip/modttpip.ko
filename:       /home/dojo-user/work/git/tesla/ttpoe_sw/modttpip/modttpip.ko
license:        GPL
version:        1.0
description:    TTP IP Gateway
author:         [email protected]
srcversion:     FCBBF59CD1A10DCE72F2936
retpoline:      Y
name:           modttpip
vermagic:       6.11.0-9-generic SMP preempt mod_unload modversions
parm:           gwips:    set list of ttp gateway ip-addreses per zone (1,2,3,..):
                          e.g. gwips=,,,..
parm:           intfs:    get all interfaces on the ttp-gateway
parm:           edevs:    get all devices on the ttp-gateway
parm:           dev:      ttp device name (required at module-load)
parm:           mactbl:   read gateway mac-address table
parm:           drop_pct: packet drop percent (default=(0), [0:10])
parm:           shutdown: modttpoe shutdown state
parm:           verbose:  kernel log verbosity level (default=(-1), 0, 1, 2, 3)

$ sudo insmod modttpip.ko dev=veth gwips=,, verbose=1

$ sudo dmesg -tw
ttp_param_gwips_set: Parsing gwips from ',,'
`->: Zeroed out 64 bytes: 8 ttp_zones
  `->zn:1 ip4:
  `->zn:2 ip4:
  `->zn:3 ip4:
ttp_param_gwips_set: Scanning network devices:
`->Found device: dev:ens20 id:4 mac:bc:24:11:b8:94:64
  `->Scanning ipv4 addresses: on dev:ens20
      `->Found zone: my_zn:1 dev:ens20 ip4:
ttpip_init: ip4-if:'ens20' mac:bc:24:11:b8:94:64
            ttp-if:'vleth' mac:bc:24:11:23:48:45
------------------ Module modttpip.ko loaded -----------------+
  `->zn:2 gw: -> mac:bc:24:11:f8:e6:de
    `->via:dir-arp: -> dev:ens20
  `->zn:3 gw: -> mac:fa:df:59:d6:41:8d
    `->via:rt-v4: -> dev:ens20
ttp_nh_mac_tmr_cb: resolved all nh-macs

$ ls -l /sys/module/modttpip/parameters
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Nov 13 15:58 dev
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Nov 13 15:58 drop_pct
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Nov 13 15:58 edevs
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Nov 13 15:58 gwips
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Nov 13 15:58 intfs
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Nov 13 15:53 mactbl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Nov 13 15:58 shutdown
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Nov 13 15:58 verbose

There are no runtime configurable parameters in modttpip. Unloading modttpip is done as follows:

$ sudo rmmod modttpip
$ sudo dmesg -tw
ttpip: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module modttpip.ko unloaded ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+


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Contributors 3
