This package is designed as a part of Shieldon Firewall 2. You can also use it on your projects as well.
Use PHP Composer:
composer require shieldon/event-dispatcher
Or, download it and include the Shieldon autoloader.
require 'autoload.php';
* @param string $name The name of an event.
* @param string|array $func Callable function or class.
* @param int $priority The execution priority.
* @return bool
\Shieldon\Event\Event::addLister(string $name, $func, int $priority = 10): bool
Please note, the priority must be unique. This method returns true when add a listener, false when the prirotiy has been taken by another listener.
* @param string $name The name of an event.
* @param array $args The arguments.
* @return mixed
\Shieldon\Event\Event::doDispatch(string $name, array $args = []): mixed
Return the filtered result, it's similar to WordPress' filter. You can ignore the return if you don't need that.
Add a listener.
\Shieldon\Event\Event::addListener('test_1', function() {
echo 'This is a closure function call.';
$result = \Shieldon\Event\Event::doDispatch('test_1');
Function for listener.
function test_event_disptcher()
echo 'This is a function call.';
Add a listener.
\Shieldon\Event\Event::addListener('test_2', 'test_event_disptcher');
$result = \Shieldon\Event\Event::doDispatch('test_2');
Add a listener.
$example = new Example();
\Shieldon\Event\Event::addListener('test_3', [$example, 'example1']);
$result = \Shieldon\Event\Event::doDispatch('test_3');
Hope this helps.