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Terraform module for Kubernetes OAuth Proxy

Terraform module for easily deploy OAuth Proxy service to your kubernetes cluster, with multi provider supports.


Module creates all necessary resources for creating "closed" ingress inside your kubernetes cluster. Module supports different providers for authentication: Google, Azure, KeyCloak, GitHub, GitLab, Facebook, BitBucket, etc. For more info, you could visit:

Software Requirements

Name Description
Terraform > = v1.3.0
AzureRM provider > = v3.53.0
AzureAD provider > = v2.39.0
Random provider > = v3.5.0
Kubernetes > = v2.16.1
Kubernetes Server > = v1.22.0



For Azure, you should have AD with Global Administrator permissions, or make request to your AD Administrator to Grant admin Contest for AD. You could create Ingress with OAuth via module or disable it: create_ingress_with_oauth=false (default: true) If you don't want to deploy ingress, you could edit existing, by adding annotation:


Terrafrom Code example:

data "azuread_client_config" current {}
data "azuread_service_principal" "msgraph" {
  display_name = "Microsoft Graph"

# Azure AD required resources
resource "azuread_application" "oauth2" {
  display_name = "azure-ad-oauth2"
  owners       = [data.azuread_client_config.current.object_id]
  web {
    redirect_uris = [

  required_resource_access {
    resource_app_id = data.azuread_service_principal.msgraph.application_id

    resource_access {
      id   = data.azuread_service_principal.msgraph.oauth2_permission_scope_ids["User.Read"]
      type = "Scope"
resource "azuread_application_password" "oauth2_secret" {
  application_object_id = azuread_application.oauth2.object_id
resource "azuread_service_principal" "oauth2" {
  application_id = azuread_application.oauth2.application_id
resource "azuread_service_principal_delegated_permission_grant" "oauth2" {
  service_principal_object_id          = azuread_service_principal.oauth2.object_id
  resource_service_principal_object_id = data.azuread_service_principal.msgraph.object_id
  claim_values                         = ["User.Read"]

# Edit most of parameters below:
# You should have K8S Applicaiton and Service or disable 'create_ingress_with_oauth' parameter.
module "oauth_proxy" {
  source = "terraform-iaac/oauth-proxy/kubernetes"

  namespace = "application_namespace"

  provider_type       = "azure"
  oauth_client_id     = azuread_application.oauth2.application_id
  oauth_client_secret = azuread_application_password.oauth2_secret.value
  oidc_issuer_url     = "${data.azuread_client_config.current.tenant_id}/v2.0"

  oauth_proxy_domain_name         = ""
  oauth_proxy_ingress_annotations = {
    "" = "cluster_issuer_name"
  // Required block for Azure ----------------
  oauth_custom_labels = {
    "azure.workload.identity/use" = "true"
  // -----------------------------------------
  oauth_arguments = [

  ingress_with_oauth_rule = [
      domain        = ""
      external_port = 80 // Service port
      path          = "/custom/path/"
      path_type     = "Prefix"
  ingress_with_oauth_domain_name  = ""
  ingress_with_oauth_service_name = "application_service_name"
  ingress_with_oauth_annotations  = {
    "" = "cluster_issuer_name"


General variables

Name Description Type Default Example Required
global_prefix Name of OAuth Proxy string oauth-proxy oauth-proxy no
namespace Namespace in which OAuth deployment will create string default application no
image_tag Docker image tag string IfNotPresent Always no
image Docker image name string custom-image no
image_pull_policy Image Pull Policy: One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent string v7.4.0 v1.0 no
oauth_proxy_domain_name Global domain name for URLs string n/a yes
oauth_ingress_tls Enable https traffic & and include SSL Certificate for OAuth Proxy ingress string [] [tls_name1,tls_name2] no
env Name and value pairs to set in the container's environmentq (Could start with 'OAUTH2_PROXY_') map(string) {} { "OAUTH2_PROXY_KEY" = "VALUE" } no
env_secret Get secret keys from k8s and add as environment variables to pods
request_cpu = string - (Optional)
request_memory = string - (Optional)
limit_cpu = string - (Optional)
limit_memory = string - (Optional)
name = kubernetes_secret.name_of_secret.metadata[0].name
resources Compute Resources required by this container. CPU/RAM requests/limits
request_cpu = string - (Optional)
request_memory = string - (Optional)
limit_cpu = string - (Optional) limit_memory = string - (Optional)
request_cpu = "5m"
request_memory = "20Mi"
n\a no
volume_config_map The data stored in a ConfigMap object can be referenced in a volume of type configMap and then consumed by containerized applications running in a Pod
mode = string
name = string
volume_name = string
mode = "0777"
name = "config-map"
volume_name = "config-volume"
oauth_custom_labels Add custom label to OAuth Proxy deployment. For Azure require: "azure.workload.identity/use" = "true" map(string) null
"azure.workload.identity/use" = "true"
service_account_token Indicates whether a service account token should be automatically mounted bool null true no
service_account_name Name of the ServiceAccount to use to run this pod string null gcloud-oauth-sa no
readiness_probe Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails.
success_threshold = number
failure_threshold = number
initial_delay_seconds = number
period_seconds = number
timeout_seconds = number

http_get = {
http_header = list(object( // (Optional)
name = string
value = string
path = string
port = number
scheme = string
exec = { // (Optional)
command =list(string)
tcp_socket = { // (Optional)
port = number
success_threshold = 1
failure_threshold = 3
initial_delay_seconds = 10
period_seconds = 30
timeout_seconds = 10

http_get = {
http_header = [
name = "some-header"
value = "some-value"
path = "/"
port = 80
scheme = "HTTP"
exec = {
command = ["/bin/bash", "command"]
tcp_socket = {
port = 5433
liveness_probe Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails same as on readiness_probe n/a same as on readiness_probe no
node_selector Node selector for OAAuth applicaiton pod map(string) null
sytem_node_pool_key = system_node_pool_label_value
oauth_proxy_ports OAuth application ports
name = string
internal_port = number
external_port = number
name = "web"
internal_port = 4180
external_port = 4180
n/a no
oauth_proxy_ingress_annotations Custom annotations for ingress with OAuth map(string) {}
"" = local.cluster_issuer_name

OAuth variables

Name Description Type Default Example Required
provider_type Type of OAuth2 provider. Valid values: google, azure, keycloak, facebook, github, gitlab, etc. More info: string n/a google yes
oauth_client_id OAuth Client ID string n/a aaaaaaaaa-ea1a-123c-321f-aa1234aa3210 yes
oauth_client_secret OAuth Client Secret string n/a rAnD()m=$E(ret yes
oauth_arguments OAuth Proxy command line arguments. More info: list(string) [] n/a no
oidc_issuer_url OpenID Connect issuer URL string n/a yes
oauth_email_domain Authenticate emails with the specified domain string * no

Ingress with OAuth variables

Name Description Type Default Example Required
create_ingress_with_oauth Enable creation of ingress with authentication via OAuth Proxy bool true n/a no
ingress_class_name Ingress Class name string nginx nginx-public no
ingress_with_oauth_rule External Service port, ingress will redirect request to this service port. Also could add subdomain ( example: And path for access ( example: ). And redefine domain. list(string) []
domain = ""
external_port = 80
ingress_with_oauth_service_name Name of service for ingress with OAuths string ingress-with-oauth n/a no
ingress_with_oauth_annotations Custom annotations for ingress with OAuth map(string) {} n/a no
ingress_with_oauth_domain_name Global domain name for all URL string no


Name Description
name Name of the deployment
namespace Namespace in which created the deployment
cookie_secret Generated cookies