This is an example Terraform config creating a spoke in a hub and spoke topology. As an example repo for learning purposes then you are encouraged to copy any of the Terraform from it, or fork it and make your own changes.
It is a work in progress and may be updated at any point. It will be used for a number of training labs in Azure Citadel.
You must have:
- an existing hub virtual network containing either a VPN Gateway or ExpressRoute Gateway
- access to the Terraform state file for the hub
See the
One example usage once you've cloned the repo:
- [Optional] Bootstrap
- Preview the in the storage account created by terraform-bootstrap
- Download the bootstrap files
- Set the key in to your Terraform statefile name, e.g. example-spoke.tfstate
- Configure either the azurerm or local version of the terraform_remote_state data block
- Remove the unwanted example
- Create a caCert.pfx
- This will added as a certificate in the key vault to be used by the App GW
- An example caCert.pfx is included for training purposes
mv terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
- Edit the file as required
terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply
The resources will be created in a single resource group called example-hub.
Read the full readme for more information and options.
Note that the following files are taking from terraform-backend's bootstrap outputs. Refer to the :
More details to be added