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Building and Releasing with Dist::Zilla

Daniel Gempesaw edited this page Jul 19, 2014 · 2 revisions

Preparing to use Dist::Zilla

cpan -i Dist::Zilla Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git

Building using Dist::Zilla


dzil test


dzil install

Releasing using Dist::Zilla

Edit your $HOME/.dzil/config.ini file to contain your details.

dzil build creates a tarball for uploading to CPAN, but does not run the distribution's tests or tag the repository. dzil release will automatically release to CPAN and tag the git repository, prompting for confirmation before doing so. To automatically upload to CPAN, follow the instructions in Dist::Zilla::Plugin::UploadToCPAN.

Before releasing to CPAN, remember to increment the version number in dist.ini and add to the Changes file.