userstream Twitter bot (using linqtotwitter) based on c# ( .net 4.0 or higher)
in program.cs..
static async Task ReplyAsync(TwitterContext twitterCtx, ulong tweetid,string status)
var tweet = await twitterCtx.ReplyAsync(tweetid, "@changeityours "+status); // <- change it
if (tweet != null)
"Status returned: " +
"(" + tweet.StatusID + ")" +
tweet.User.Name + ", " + tweetid + ", " +
tweet.Text + "\n");
static bool chkengine(string msg)
string mentchk = mentidparser(msg);
if (mentchk.ToLower() == "mentioncheckstring") // <- change it
string idchk = idparser(msg);
if (idchk.ToLower() == "idcheckstring") // <- change it
return true;
return false;
in App.config..
<!-- Fill in your consumer key and secret here to make the OAuth sample work. -->
<!-- Twitter sign-up: -->
<add key="consumerKey" value="insertyourAPIkey" />
<add key="consumerSecret" value="insertyourAPIkeySecret" />
<add key="ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri" value="" />
change two key values.
and build it