This package provides useful TypeScript decorators for creating class-based entities, persisted to a mongo database and queryable and manipulable using the GraphQL query language.
It is based on the @tenry/graphql-decorators
// import the libraries
import {MongoClient} from 'mongodb';
import {decorators} from '@tenry/graphql-decorators';
import {Manager, name} from '@tenry/graphql-decorators-mongo';
// define an entity
// define a name; class name is used by default
class User {
id: string;
// primitive types like string or number is automatically detected,
// if the emitDecoratorMetadata flag is enabled
name: string;
data: Object;
// use this syntax, if the data type is an array of something
@decorators.field({list: User})
friends: User[];
// now set everything up
const mongo = await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost');
const db = mongo.db('my_database');
const manager = new Manager(db);
// register all available entities
// get GraphQL schema
const schema = manager.createSchema();
// now do whatever you would do with a GraphQL schema
graphql(schema, someAwesomeGraphqlQuery).then(response => {
// or (using express and express-graphql):
const app = express();
app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({
Using this example the library would create the following GraphQL schema:
input MongoFilterInput {
field: String
operator: String
value: JSON
input MongoOrderInput {
field: String
order: String
type Mutation {
addUser(user: UserInput): UserType
updateUser(id: ID, user: UserInput): UserType
removeUser(id: ID): UserType
type Query {
users(filter: [MongoFilterInput], order: [MongoOrderInput], limit: Int, offset: Int): [UserType]
input UserInput {
data: JSON
friends: [UserInput]
id: ID
name: String
type UserType {
data: JSON
friends: [UserType]
id: ID
name: String
Use npm
to install the package:
$ npm install graphql graphql-type-json mongodb @tenry/graphql-decorators @tenry/graphql-decorators-mongo
Now import the Manager
, the name
decorator along with the decorators from
import {Manager, name} from '@tenry/graphql-decorators-mongo';
import {decorators} from '@tenry/graphql-decorators';
import {MongoClient} from 'mongodb';
const mongo = await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost');
const db = mongo.db('my_database');
const manager = new Manager(db);
// define entities here
// register entities to the manager via manager.registerEntity(MyEntity); here
// retrieve GraphQL schema
const schema = manager.createSchema();
@tenry/graphql-decorators-mongo is licensed under the MIT License.