Mojolicious::Command::deploy::heroku - Deploy to Heroku
script/my_app deploy heroku [OPTIONS]
# Create new app with randomly selected name and deploy
script/my_app deploy heroku --create
# Create new app with randomly selected name and specified api key
script/my_app deploy heroku --create --api-key 123412341234...
# Deploy app (new or existing) with specified name
script/my_app deploy heroku --name happy-cloud-1234
These options are available:
-n, --appname <name> Specify app for deployment
-a, --api-key <api_key> Heroku API key (read from ~/.heroku/credentials by default).
-c, --create Create a new Heroku app
-v, --verbose Verbose output (heroku response, git output)
-h, --help This message
Mojolicious::Command::deploy::heroku deploys a Mojolicious app to Heroku.
*NOTE* The deploy command itself works on Windows, but the Heroku service does not reliably accept deployments from Windows. Your mileage may vary.
*NOTE* This release works with Mojolicious versions 4.50 and above. For older Mojolicious versions, please use 0.10 or before.
- 1) Heroku Service
- 2) Generate Mojolicious app
mojo generate lite_app hello
- 3) Deploy
hello deploy heroku --create
The deploy command creates a git repository of the current directory's contents in /tmp, and then pushes it to a remote heroku repository.,,,
Glen Hinkle [email protected]