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Telegraph Backend Take-home

This repo has all the information you need to complete the take-home assignment. Know that we are excited about you as a candidate, and can't wait to see what you build!


  • Complete user stories 1 & 2 using the language and database of your choice
    • NOTE: For the database, Postgres running as a docker container is preferred. You can use the provided docker-compose.yml file as a starting point. To use it, simply
      1. Copy .env.sample to .env and set the values appropriately
      2. Run the database with the command docker-compose up -d
  • Provide clear documentation
  • Any code you write is clear and well organized
  • You spend at least 3-4 hours total on the project (but no more than 6-8 hours)

BONUS you provide tests

User Stories

1. Ingestion pipeline

Implement a data ingestion pipeline that allows you to ingest the 4 CSV files into your database for use with your REST API (see user story number 2). Provide clear documentation on how to invoke your pipeline (i.e., run this script, invoke this Makefile target, etc.). Assume that the pipeline can be run on demand and it should drop any existing data and reload it from the files.


Create an API server that features the following enpoints

  • /equipment - data from equipment.csv
  • /events - data from events.csv
  • /locations - data from locations.csv
  • /waybills - data from waybills.csv.
  • /waybills/{waybill id} - should return information about a specific waybill
  • /waybills/{waybill id}/equipment - should return the equipment associated with a specific waybill
  • /waybills/{waybill id}/events - should return the events associated with a specific waybill
  • /waybills/{waybill id}/locations - should return the locations associated with a specific waybill

All the routes should return JSON.

Any event route should allow for filtering by the posting_date field

3. BONUS: Route endpoint

Note: This user story is optional, and on an "if-you-have-time" basis.

Provide a * /waybills/{waybill id}/route - should return information about the route associated with a specific waybill

4. BONUS: Parties endpoint

Note: This user story is optional, and on an "if-you-have-time" basis.

Provide a * /waybills/{waybill id}/parties - should return information about the parties associated with a specific waybill

Data description

In the data/ are 4 files.

  • locations.csv - a list of locations. The id field is the internal, autogenerated ID for each location.
  • equipment.csv - a list of equipment (i.e., rail cars). The id field is the internal, autogenerated ID for each piece of equipment. The equipment_id field should be considered the primary key for creating relations to other files.
  • events.csv - a list of tracking events. The id field is the internal, autogenerated ID for each tracking event. The field waybill_id is a foreign key to the waybills file. The field location_id is a foreign key to the locations file. The field equipment_id is a foreign key to the equipment file.
  • waybills.csv - a list of waybills. A waybill is a list of goods being cariied on a rail car. The origin_id and destination_id are foreign keys to the locations file. The field equipment_id is a foreign key to the equipment file. The id field is the internal, autogenerated ID for each waybill. The route and parties fields contain JSON arrays of objects. The route field details the rail stations (AKA "scacs") the train will pass through. The parties field defines that various companies involved in shipping the item from its origin to its destination (e.g., shippers, etc.).

NOTE: All dates are in UTC.

Scaffold Project

We have provided a sample REST API that you can finish implementing. Please note that using this sample project IS NOT REQUIRED. The sample features:

The Falcon project scaffold is inspired by falcon-sqlalchemy-template

Scaffold Project - Getting Started

Installation and setup

  1. Fork and clone this repo onto your own computer
  2. Start the database server OR
    1. Copy .env.sample to .env and set the values appropriately
    2. Run the database with the command docker-compose up -d
  3. Depending on the values you used in your .env file, set the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI environment variable to point to your database. For example,
export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://candidate:password123@localhost:5432/takehome
  1. Change directory to the webapp directory and run pip install -r requirements.txt to install required dependencies
  2. In the same directory, run gunicorn --reload api.wsgi:app to run the web application

The API will be exposed locally at

Run curl to test your server. It should return the following JSON:

{"ping": "true"}

It is recommended you create a Python virtual environment for running your project


Again using Alembic is NOT required - it is just provided in case you want to use it to work with the database.

Alembic example usage

Add new migrations with

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "migration name"

Upgrade your database with

alembic upgrade head


Take-home project for back end candidates






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