Changes (since 2.4.0):
- [cygnus-ngsi, cygnus-common][PosgtgreSQLSink, PostgisSink, MySQLSQLSink] Remove PreparedStatement building, to use String query (walkaround for #1959)
- [cygnus-ngsi, cygnus-common][PosgtgreSQLSink, PostgisSink, MySQLSQLSink] Log info about persisted data (#1939)
- [cygnus-ngsi, cygnus-common][PosgtgreSQLSink, PostgisSink, MySQLSQLSink] Create upsert transaction (#1806, #1936)
- [cygnus-common][NameMappingInterceptor] Catch and log Compile error namemapping (#1924)
- [cygnus-common][SQLBackendImpl] Add configuration option to persist errors in SQL sinks (#1928)
- [cygnus-common][SQLBackendImpl] Purge automatically persistence error logs table, keeping latest errors (max_latest_errors setting) (#1929)
- [cygnus-common] Add new methods in class CKANBackendImpl for allowing the creation of the data store with ngsi-ld notifications
- [cygnus-ngsi][NameMappingInterceptor] Log info about how namemapping applied (#1937)
- [cygnus-ngsi][NGSIRestHandler] Log about "Starting internal transaction" moved from INFO to DEBUG (#1940)
- [cygnus-ngsi][PosgtgreSQLSink, PostgisSink] Add upsert function. (#1806)
- [cygnus-ngsi][MysqlSink] Quoted Sql field names to avoid naming problems. (#1863)
- [cygnus-ngsi][mongoSinkl, sthSink] set the replica set name for the mongodb connection with the environment variable CYGNUS_MONGO_REPLICA_SET
- [cygnus-ngsi-ld] Creation of the new PostGIS sink for persisting NGSI-LD notifications (#1905)
- [cygnus-ngsi-ld] Creation of the new CKAN sink for persisting NGSI-LD notifications