Live rendering of componet’s properties in Interface Builder
- Dashed border
- Solid border
- Round corner
- Circle image
- iOS 9.0+
- Xcode 8.3
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate TJProfileImage into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'TJProfileImage'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
- Download and drop
in your project. - Congratulations!
Just set class of your UIImageView to TJProfileImage and let the magic happen.
import TJProfileImage
@IBOutlet var imgView: TJProfileImage!
imgView.dashedBorder = true // shows dashed border instead of plain
imgView.isCircular = true // makes image view in round shape
imgView.cornerRadious = 5 // you can set custom corner radious also. IF you set isCircular then it will neglate this corner radious
imgView.borderColor = // border color
imgView.borderWidth = 2 // border width
We would love you for the contribution to TJProfileImage, check the LICENSE
file for more info.
Tejas Ardeshna – @tejas_ardeshna – [email protected]
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.