Welcome to our tic-tac-toe project. ttt is a command-line tic-tac-toe game that supports multiple players (>=2), custom board sizes, custom player symbols, and a custom number of target symbols in a row. It is also designed to allow automatic play of entire games from the command-line for testing purposes. We would eventually like to include the possibility of computer-controlled opponents.
The purpose of the project is to give our intro to software engineering class an opportunity to practice git commands and collaborate on a small project.
Sample run:
starting the program:
./ttt --cols 3 --rows 3 --players xo --n2win 3
sample input/output:
1 2 3
a | |
b | |
c | |
x's turn: a3
1 2 3
a | |x
b | |
c | |
o's turn: b3
1 2 3
a | |x
b | |o
c | |
x's turn: b2
1 2 3
a | |x
b |x|o
c | |
o's turn: c3
1 2 3
a | |x
b |x|o
c x| |o
the winner is x