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Provides an ECS cluster, and optionally EC2 container instances.

Example Usage

Fargate cluster

module "fargate-cluster" {
  source = "[email protected]:techservicesillinois/terraform-aws-ecs-cluster"

  name       = "fargate-example"
  enable_ec2 = false

EC2 cluster

module "ecs-cluster" {
  source = "[email protected]:techservicesillinois/terraform-aws-ecs-cluster"

  name             = "ec2-example"
  desired_capacity = 1
  instance_type    = "t4g.small"
  max_size         = 4
  min_size         = 1

  # Include security groups for each ALB forwarding to this cluster.
  vpc                  = "my-vpc"
  subnet_type          = "private"
  security_group_names = ["my-vpc-alb-private", "my-vpc-alb-public"]

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • associate_public_ip_address - (Optional) Associate a public IP address with the ECS container instances. (The default is true).

  • desired_capacity - (Optional) Desired number of EC2 instances. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • efs_volume_name - (Optional) EFS volume name. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • enable_ec2 - (Optional) Set to false to manage a Fargate cluster. Default is true, which means the cluster will consist of dedicated EC2 instances.

  • iam_instance_profile - (Optional) The IAM instance profile to associate with the ECS container instances. The default is ecsInstanceRole). Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • ingress_security_group_ids - (Optional) A list of security group id(s) that can directly communicate with containers. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • ingress_security_group_names - (Optional) A list of security group name(s) that can directly communicate with containers. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • instance_type - (Optional) The EC2 instance type to use for the container instances. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • key_name - (Optional) Name of an AWS key pair to use for the container instances. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • min_size - (Optional) Minimum number of EC2 instances. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • max_size - (Optional) Maximum number of EC2 instances. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • name - (Required) The name of the Amazon ECS cluster to create.

  • security_group_ids - (Optional) A list of security group ID(s). Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • security_group_names - (Optional) A list of security group name(s) associated with the EC2 container instances. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • ssh_cidr_blocks - (Optional) List of CIDR blocks to use for SSH access. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • subnet_ids - (Optional) A list of subnet ids to use for the container instances. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • subnet_type - (Optional) Subnet type (e.g., 'campus', 'private', 'public') for resource placement. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • tags - (Optional) Tags to be applied to resources where supported.

  • template - (Optional) Template used to configure underlying EC2 instances. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • vpc - (Optional) The name of the VPC in which to place the cluster. Applies only to EC2 clusters.


A setting block is a list of maps, each map containing a name and value pair describing cluster settings to be applied. The setting block is optional.

Currently, only one setting is supported.

  • name - (Required) The setting name.

  • value – (Optional) The setting value corresponding to name.

Currently, the only value allowed for name is containerInsights. The corresponding value in the map must be either enabled or disabled.

  setting = [
      name  = "containerInsights"
      value = "enabled"

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.

  • name - The cluster name.

  • security_groups - A map whose keys are the security group name, and whose values are the corresponding security group ID. Applies only to EC2 clusters.

  • setting – A map containing each of the defined setting name/value pairs.