Use environment.yml
file with conda to install neccecery modules:
conda env update -f environment.yml
Then, install this moded vertion of Huggingface
cd transformers/
pip install -e .
Availble commands (python -h to see this menu)
usage: [-h] {train,test,generate,pipeline} ...
positional arguments:
train Train a model
test Test model on test set
generate Generate new dataset
pipeline Pipeline
Quick examples:
Train generative BART model on SNLI:
python -n NAME --checkpoints <path to checkpoints> --model-type bart --model-name facebook/bart-base --data-dir-prefix data/snli_1.0/cl_snli
Train discriminative BART model on MNLI:
python -n NAME --checkpoints <path to checkpoints> --model-type disc --model-name facebook/bart-base --data-dir-prefix data/mnli/cl_multinli
Train hypothesis-only BERT model on MNLI:
python -n NAME --checkpoints <path to checkpoints> --model-type disc -ho --model-name bert-base-uncased --data-dir-prefix data/mnli/cl_multinli
Fine-tune a model (same as paper):
python -n NAME --checkpoints <path to checkpoints> -lr 5e-6 --model-path <path to generative model> -hom <path to hypothesis-only model> --model-type bart --model-name facebook/bart-base --gamma 1.0
Train full pipeline: pipeline -n NAME --word-dropout WORD_DROPOUT --hyp-only-model HYP_ONLY_MODEL --model-name MODEL_NAME --weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY
Full list of arguments:
usage: train [-h] --run-name RUN_NAME [--out-dir OUT_DIR] [--seed SEED] [--drive DRIVE]
[--do-test DO_TEST] [--gen-premise GEN_PREMISE] [--inject-bias INJECT_BIAS]
[--bias-ids BIAS_IDS [BIAS_IDS ...]] [--bias-ratio BIAS_RATIO]
[--bias-location BIAS_LOCATION] [--non-discriminative-bias]
[--attribution-map ATTRIBUTION_MAP] [--filt-method FILT_METHOD]
[--move-to-hypothesis] [--bs-train BATCH_SIZE] [--bs-test BATCH_SIZE]
[--batches BATCHES] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--early-stopping EARLY_STOPPING]
[--checkpoints CHECKPOINTS] [--lr LR] [--reg REG]
[--data-dir-prefix DATA_DIR_PREFIX] [--max-len MAX_LEN]
[--decoder-max-len DECODER_MAX_LEN] [--param-freezing-ratio PARAM_FREEZING_RATIO]
[--optimizer-type OPTIMIZER_TYPE] [--sched SCHED] [--reduction REDUCTION]
[--momentum MOMENTUM] [--word-dropout WORD_DROPOUT]
[--label-smoothing-epsilon LABEL_SMOOTHING_EPSILON]
[--hyp-only-model HYP_ONLY_MODEL] [--attribution-tokenizer ATTRIBUTION_TOKENIZER]
[--threshold THRESHOLD] [--train-hyp] [--test-with-prior] [--cheat] [--calc-uniform]
[--tie-embeddings] [--hypothesis-only] [--premise-only] [--gradual-unfreeze]
[--generate-hypothesis] [--hard-validation] [--merge-train] [--label LABEL]
[--reverse] [--tie-encoder-decoder] [--pure-gen] [--model-path MODEL_PATH]
[--model-name MODEL_NAME] [--model-type MODEL_TYPE]
[--decoder-model-name DECODER_MODEL_NAME] [--beta1 BETA1] [--beta2 BETA2]
[--epsilon EPSILON] [--weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY] [--gamma GAMMA]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--run-name RUN_NAME, -n RUN_NAME
Name of run and output file
--out-dir OUT_DIR, -o OUT_DIR
Output folder
--seed SEED, -s SEED Random seed
--drive DRIVE, -d DRIVE
Pass "True" if you are running this on Google Colab
--do-test DO_TEST, -t DO_TEST
Pass "True" if you want to run a test on test set
--gen-premise GEN_PREMISE
--inject-bias INJECT_BIAS
Select number of labels to inject bias to their corresponding hypotheses
--bias-ids BIAS_IDS [BIAS_IDS ...]
Select the ids of the biases symbols
--bias-ratio BIAS_RATIO
Select the percentege of labels to inject bias to their corresponding hypotheses
--bias-location BIAS_LOCATION
Select where in the hypotheses to inject the bias, can be either "start" or
"end", otherwise will be random location
--non-discriminative-bias, -ndb
Make the synthetic bias non-discriminative
path of attribution maps folder
--filt-method FILT_METHOD, -fm FILT_METHOD
The method to filter the premis by. Should be in [sum,mean,max,max-abs,min-
--move-to-hypothesis, -mth
Move the filtered words from the premise to the hypothesis
--bs-train BATCH_SIZE
Train batch size
--bs-test BATCH_SIZE Test batch size
--batches BATCHES Number of batches per epoch
--epochs EPOCHS Maximal number of epochs
--early-stopping EARLY_STOPPING
Stop after this many epochs without improvement
--checkpoints CHECKPOINTS
Save model checkpoints to this file when test accuracy improves
--lr LR, -lr LR Learning rate
--reg REG L2 regularization
--data-dir-prefix DATA_DIR_PREFIX
Prefix of the path to data
--max-len MAX_LEN, -ml MAX_LEN
Length of longest sequence (or bigger), 0 if you don't know
--decoder-max-len DECODER_MAX_LEN, -dml DECODER_MAX_LEN
Length of longest sequence of the decoder (or bigger), 0 if you don't know
--param-freezing-ratio PARAM_FREEZING_RATIO
How many of the params to freeze
Which type of optimizer to use
--sched SCHED Which type of optimizer to use
--reduction REDUCTION, -reduce REDUCTION
How to reduce loss, can be "sum" or "mean"
--momentum MOMENTUM, -m MOMENTUM
Momentum for SGD
--word-dropout WORD_DROPOUT, -wdo WORD_DROPOUT
Word dropout rate during training
Epsilon argument for label smoothing (does not uses labels smoothing by default
--hyp-only-model HYP_ONLY_MODEL, -hom HYP_ONLY_MODEL
If you want to weigh loss by htpothesis only output
Huggingface model name for the attributions, default is same as encoder
--threshold THRESHOLD, -th THRESHOLD
--test-with-prior, -twp
--calc-uniform, -cu
--tie-embeddings, -te
--hypothesis-only, -ho
--premise-only, -po
--gradual-unfreeze, -gu
--generate-hypothesis, -gh
--hard-validation, -hv
--label LABEL, -l LABEL
Create generative model only for one label
--reverse, -rev Generate hypothesis
--tie-encoder-decoder, -ted
--pure-gen, -pg
--model-path MODEL_PATH
Path to fined-tuned model
--model-name MODEL_NAME
Name of the huggingface model
--model-type MODEL_TYPE
Type of the model (encode-decode or hybrid)
--decoder-model-name DECODER_MODEL_NAME
Name of the decoder, if empty then same as encoder
--beta1 BETA1, -b1 BETA1
--beta2 BETA2, -b2 BETA2
--epsilon EPSILON, -eps EPSILON
--weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY, -wd WEIGHT_DECAY
--gamma GAMMA
usage: test [-h] --run-name RUN_NAME [--out-dir OUT_DIR] [--seed SEED]
[--save-results SAVE_RESULTS] [--reduction REDUCTION] [--filt-method FILT_METHOD]
[--bs-test BATCH_SIZE] [--batches BATCHES] [--data-dir-prefix DATA_DIR_PREFIX]
[--max-len MAX_LEN] [--decoder-max-len DECODER_MAX_LEN] [--create-premises]
[--attribution-map ATTRIBUTION_MAP] [--threshold THRESHOLD]
[--attribution-tokenizer ATTRIBUTION_TOKENIZER] [--move-to-hypothesis]
[--hyp-only-model HYP_ONLY_MODEL] [--test-with-prior] [--calc-uniform] [--reverse]
[--inject-bias INJECT_BIAS] [--bias-ids BIAS_IDS [BIAS_IDS ...]]
[--bias-ratio BIAS_RATIO] [--bias-location BIAS_LOCATION] [--non-discriminative-bias]
[--model-name MODEL_NAME] [--model-path MODEL_PATH] [--model-type MODEL_TYPE]
[--checkpoints CHECKPOINTS] [--decoder-model-name DECODER_MODEL_NAME] [--label LABEL]
[--hypothesis-only] [--premise-only] [--pure-gen] [--generate-hypothesis]
[--save-likelihoods SAVE_LIKELIHOODS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--run-name RUN_NAME, -n RUN_NAME
Name of run and output file
--out-dir OUT_DIR, -o OUT_DIR
Output folder
--seed SEED, -s SEED Random seed
--save-results SAVE_RESULTS, -sr SAVE_RESULTS
Pass path if you want to save the results
--reduction REDUCTION, -reduce REDUCTION
How to reduce loss, can be "sum" or "mean"
--filt-method FILT_METHOD, -fm FILT_METHOD
--bs-test BATCH_SIZE Test batch size
--batches BATCHES Number of batches per epoch, pass "0" if you want the full database
--data-dir-prefix DATA_DIR_PREFIX
Prefix of the path to data
--max-len MAX_LEN Length of longest sequence (or bigger), 0 if you don't know
--decoder-max-len DECODER_MAX_LEN, -dml DECODER_MAX_LEN
Length of longest sequence of the decoder (or bigger), 0 if you don't know
--create-premises, -cp
path of attribution maps folder
--threshold THRESHOLD, -th THRESHOLD
Huggingface model name for the attributions, default is same as encoder
--move-to-hypothesis, -mth
--hyp-only-model HYP_ONLY_MODEL, -hom HYP_ONLY_MODEL
If you want to weigh loss by htpothesis only output
--test-with-prior, -twp
--calc-uniform, -cu
--reverse, -rev Generate hypothesis
--inject-bias INJECT_BIAS
Select number of labels to inject bias to their corresponding hypotheses
--bias-ids BIAS_IDS [BIAS_IDS ...]
Select the ids of the biases symbols
--bias-ratio BIAS_RATIO
Select the percentege of labels to inject bias to their corresponding hypotheses
--bias-location BIAS_LOCATION
Select where in the hypotheses to inject the bias, can be either "start" or
"end", otherwise will be random location
--non-discriminative-bias, -ndb
Make the synthetic bias non-discriminative
--model-name MODEL_NAME
Name of the huggingface model
--model-path MODEL_PATH
Path to fined-tuned model
--model-type MODEL_TYPE
Type of the model (encode-decode or hybrid)
--checkpoints CHECKPOINTS
Checkpoint to torch model
--decoder-model-name DECODER_MODEL_NAME
Only if encoder and decoder are different
--label LABEL, -l LABEL
Create generative model only for one label
--hypothesis-only, -ho
--premise-only, -po
--pure-gen, -pg
--generate-hypothesis, -gh
Pass path if you want to save the likelihoods as a torch tensor
usage: pipeline [-h] --run-name RUN_NAME [--seed SEED] [--attribution-map ATTRIBUTION_MAP]
[--data-dir-prefix DATA_DIR_PREFIX] [--word-dropout WORD_DROPOUT]
[--hyp-only-model HYP_ONLY_MODEL] [--train-hyp] [--hard-validation]
[--test-with-prior] [--model-name MODEL_NAME] [--weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--run-name RUN_NAME, -n RUN_NAME
Name of run and output file
--seed SEED, -s SEED Random seed
path of attribution maps folder
--data-dir-prefix DATA_DIR_PREFIX
Prefix of the path to data
--word-dropout WORD_DROPOUT, -wdo WORD_DROPOUT
Word dropout rate during training
--hyp-only-model HYP_ONLY_MODEL, -hom HYP_ONLY_MODEL
If you want to weigh loss by htpothesis only output
--hard-validation, -hv
--test-with-prior, -twp
--model-name MODEL_NAME
Name of the huggingface model
--weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY, -wd WEIGHT_DECAY
usage: generate [-h] [--data-dir-prefix DATA_DIR_PREFIX] --model-path MODEL_PATH
[--model-type MODEL_TYPE] [--model-name MODEL_NAME] [--bs-test BS_TEST]
[--save-results SAVE_RESULTS] [--generate-all-labels]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data-dir-prefix DATA_DIR_PREFIX
Prefix of the path to data
--model-path MODEL_PATH, -mp MODEL_PATH
Path of the first model
--model-type MODEL_TYPE, -mt MODEL_TYPE
Type of the first model
--model-name MODEL_NAME, -mn MODEL_NAME
Name of the first model
--bs-test BS_TEST, -bst BS_TEST
Test batch size
--save-results SAVE_RESULTS, -sr SAVE_RESULTS
Pass path if you want to save the results
--generate-all-labels, -gal
Generate premises for all the labels and not just for gold labels