An extension to ActiveRecord to store IP Addresses in the database as integers, in part to IPAddr.
class Visit < ActiveRecord::Base has_ip_address end
Here’s an example of using it:
>> visit = => #<Visit id: nil, ip_address: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil> >> visit.ip_address = "" => "" >> visit.ip_address => #<IPAddr: IPv4:> >> visit.ip_address.to_i => 2130706433 >> visit.ip_address.to_s => ""
This assumes you are using a column named :ip_address. To change this behavior, pass in a parameter with the column you care to use:
class Visit < ActiveRecord::Base has_ip_address :visit_ip end
* Setting ip_address to an invalid IP address will fail with an ArgumentError from IPAddr. * Ideally, it should let you pass any value in without error, but invalid IP addresses will add a validation error during validation * In the mean time, you probably want to only this when the IP Address will definitely be correct, ie from a controller's `request.remote_ip`.
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bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
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Copyright © 2009 Joshua Nichols. See LICENSE for details.