The final group project for TechNative Academy. This app is the backend and consists of an API and database. The theme is whatever is in your bag, pockets, drawers, etc.
Due to the API being hosted on render it may take up to 50 seconds for content to load. Please be patient.
Alternatively clone this repo and host locally. Instructions here
Day 1
For day one we did quad programming and accomplished the following:
- Decided on our theme
- Created a trello board
- Created our repo with protect main rule
- Talked about our MVP
- Created a schema for our db
- Created the db
- Inserted dummy data into the db
- Hosted the db on Supabase
- Created the API with 1 endpoint to get all users in the db
Day 2
For day two we did quad programming and accomplished the following:
- Added endpoints that GET, POST, PUT, DELETE for users, treasures and bags
- Hosted the API on render
- Connected the backend to Pete's provided frontend that renders treasures
- Hosted the frontend on netlify
- Added the ability to register and login using authentication (using Pete's example backend as a template)
Day 3
For day three we did quad programming and accomplished the following:
- Added ability to add new bag through the frontend
- Rendered all bags in the db
- Update the API bag endpoint
- Reorder the nav bar
- Started on implementing the add treasure view - we added a drop down menu that includes all the bags of the current user
Day 4
For day four we did quad programming and accomplished the following:
- Implemented full functionality of add treasure view
- Add full functionality of the my things view, which shows all treasures and what bags they are in
- Allow users to edit and delete treasures
- Allow users to delete bags
- Added styling and a logo
- Update the breadcrumb for 'Things' to 'Treasures'
- Write a blurb for the home page
- Add placeholder text for the dropdown menu
Day 5
For day five we did quad programming and accomplished the following:
- Rendered a users list of things on the users view
- Worked on presentation
To set up this project locally, you'll need to run the SQL included in the `db`` folder.
Register a new user Method: POST URL: /register
Login a user Method: POST URL: /login
Logout a user Method: POST URL: /logout
Get all users
Method: GET
URL: /users
Get user by ID
Method: GET
URL: /users/:id
Add a new user Method: POST URL: /users Update/replace a user
Method: PUT URL: /users/:id Delete a user
Method: DELETE URL: /users/:id Endpoints - Bags Get all bags
Method: GET URL: /bags Get bag by user ID
Method: GET URL: /fetchByUser Get bag by ID
Method: GET URL: /bags/:id Add a new bag
Method: POST URL: /bags Update/replace a bag
Method: PUT URL: /bags/:id Delete a bag
Method: DELETE URL: /bags/:id Endpoints - Treasures Get all treasures
Method: GET URL: /treasures Get treasures by ID
Method: GET URL: /treasures/:id Add a new treasure
Method: POST URL: /treasures Update/replace a treasure
Method: PUT URL: /treasures/:id Delete a treasure
You will need:
- Postgresql credentials
Using Git, copy these files into a folder. Use this command:
git clone
as well as the frontend
git clone
npm install
Refer to the .env.example
files, copy them exactly into a new file called .env
JWT Secrets can be a random string of letters and integers If you change the ports the apps are running on please update them in the .env accordingly
Make a Postgres database
Use the supplied code in the /db
directory to create and populate tables. A DB will not be automatically created
- Run the backend
usingnpm run start
- Run the frontend
usingnpm run dev
- Open the front end in your browser at this URL: