- kubectl
doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save tech-by
- for ease of use
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=production
- docker
doctl registry login
kubectl proxy
or just use version in DO dashboard
create namespaces
- kubectl apply -f namespaces/production.yaml
- kubectl apply -f namespaces/staging.yaml
create services (production)
kubectl apply -f ./services --namespace="production"
create deployments (production)
kubectl apply -f $(./ production deployments/redis_cache.yaml)
kubectl apply -f $(./ production deployments/elasticsearch.yaml)
kubectl apply -f $(./ production deployments/scylla.yaml)
kubectl apply -f $(./ production deployments/cassandra_web.yaml)
kubectl apply -f $(./ production deployments/elasticsearch_hq.yaml)
kubectl apply -f $(./ production deployments/scylla_proxy.yaml)
- yolo the rest (or update latest if container exists)
Initial setup stuff not listed above
- allow kubernetes to pull containers from DO registry
doctl registry kubernetes-manifest --namespace=staging | kubectl apply -f - -n=staging
doctl registry kubernetes-manifest --namespace=production | kubectl apply -f - -n=production
kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "registry-tech-by"}]}' -n=production
kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "registry-tech-by"}]}' -n=staging