Opens URLs, files, folders, or googles text under the cursor or in a text selection.
Sublime Text 2 version in
Sublime Text 3 version in
Any one of these:
- Install using the Sublime Package Manager
- Download and unpack into your sublime packages folder a version for: Sublime Text 2 or Sublime Text 3
- Clone into your Packages folder, from the Packages folder run:
Sublime Text 2:git clone git clone --branch st2
Sublime Text 3:git clone git clone --branch st3
Put the cursor under or select a url, file, folder, or text and run command.
- URLs = open in browser, like or
- folder = open in finder/explorer, like c:\windows
- file = choice to Edit or Run, like ~/.bashrc
- other = google it, any text
Ways to run the command:
- ctrl+u
- right-click > 'Open URL' (from context menu)
- ctrl+shift+p > 'Open URL' (from list of ST2 commands)
- alt + double-click (opens what's under the cursor, does not open text selection)
Watch a little 1 min video demo.
You can set specific file extensions to be edit or run without being prompted with a menu. The default has been set for .sublime-project .txt and a few other files types. Open open_url.sublime-settings to change and add your own.
- If the action is 'edit' it will be opened for editing in Sublime
- If the action is 'run' it will be executed by the OS
- You can add an 'openwith': 'myprogram.exe' to the end of an 'endswith' line to specify a specific a program to open the file with. In this case the shell will execute the openwith program and the selection will be a parameter.
- 2013-10-14, Sublime Text 3 version added. Updates going forward will only be made to the Sublime Text 3 version of the package.
See also: You may like this Google Spell Check sublime package.
Credits: Thanks goes to peterc for starting a forum thread about this topic and KatsuomiK for his gist that was the start of this plugin.
Author: @noahcoad writes software for the heck of it and to make life just a little more efficient.