very easy to get a photo by specifing max with or max image file size in android,after that you can clipping it
- add
maven { url "" }
to your root project build file allprojects->repositories - add
compile 'com.github.tcking.PhotoHelper:1.2'
to your app build file
- git clone
- android studio->file->New->Import module->select
how to use(example code):
1.create a helper instance and set callback then call takePhoto()
or choosePhoto()
: new PhotoHelper(activity).callback(...).takePhoto()
; photoHelper.onSaveInstanceState
in Activity or fragment onSaveInstanceState
method,never forget to do this; photoHelper.onActivityResult
in Activity or fragment onActivityResult
method,never forget to do this;
new PhotoHelper(activity) //create a helper instance
.quality(80) //try compress image using the quality 80 图片的质量,100为最高
.maxWidth(120,true) //try scale image unless with < 120dp,default is screen width 图片的最大宽度
.maxFileSizeKB(80) //try compress image unless file size < 80KB 图片文件的最大值,如果文件大于此值会进行压缩(牺牲清晰度)
.cropping(true) //cropping the target image 是否进行剪裁,如果为true则选择完图片后会进入剪裁页
.cropFactor(0.8f)// crop area factor 剪裁边框的大小,0.8表示宽的80%
.autoRotate(true) //try rotate the image according to photo exif information (some samsung devices need to rotate)
.callback(new PhotoHelper.CallBack() { // set callback 完成后的回调
public void done(File imageFile) {
//do something
public void error(Exception e) {
.takePhoto() //or choosePhoto(), just do the job for you
PhotoHelper.saveBitmap2File(Bitmap bitmap,File targetFile,int quality) //save bitmap to file
PhotoHelper.getBitmap(File imageFile,int maxWidthInPx) //get Bitmap from a file and try scale image with max width
PhotoHelper.rotateBitmap(Bitmap bitmap , int angle) //rotate image
PhotoHelper.rotateBitmap(String src , Bitmap bitmap) //rotate image according to photo exif information